dirt kevin

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carly rae is a fucking cute

implicitly white artists

support white music

i love my race

feels good man

when those hey hey hey's come in

i can feel the glorious clean whiteness of this track wash over me

no negro influence anywhere in sight

it cleanses the soul

female and adopts good political ideas

they can't think for themselves

i think you're overestimating them a bit

white nationalist jams

In '87, Huey released this, Fore, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square", a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about the band itself...๏ปฟ

someone isn't cultured

Not implicit

Is a musical genius

ya its part of the latin mass

But remember all cultures are equal

africans have transcended the human spirit through their profound art r-right guys?

post implicit white music

he's an honorary nigger

fuck rap nigger music

i've often thought about it

their [niggers] tendency to gravitate towards writing music with more shallow immediate gratificiation, ie pop, rap. while whites have defined their musical legacy with the greatest master works ever composed is another testament to the insurmountable differences between whites and blacks

blacks naturally write music with a more violent rhythmic drive and simple musical content

there are virtually no black composers, not because blacks were never trained in the classical style, but because they are less capable of writing great music.

i was moved by @โœ  Deus Vult โœ  's video he posted

just look at the only musical style that blacks created themselves [jazz was influenced by late classical music]

its the most depraved and animalistic musical genre

it isn't music it is just niggardly shit

i dont dislike some rap but on the whole it is oven tier

especially it's cultural effects

virgin small thumbnail vs the chad big thumbnail

might actually watch an anime

i swore i never would but this one does look ok

potatoe nigger blues

think you'd like this @Alyssa Cordelia

feel good song

no time to be black pilled

it's easy to fall into self-destructive thought patterns

pitying yourself is something everyone does

but our movement needs fighting spirit not the blues

you're right, i posted something cheery not motivational

bigly beautiful tunes like this are good for the movement

Not having this as the America First intro music

We're supposed to be fighting for western culture, right? Not jigaboo thug rap culture

thinking classical music being better is a conspiracy

better for you

dont pump garbage into your body- that goes for musically too.

this song reminds me of you

jealous i can get internet women on discord and u cant

not having a harem of dysfunctional internet women

this sucks dick

feeling tragic

[good shit]

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