Lesbian Wanderer

Discord ID: 370946252692652033

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im bored

;--; unfortunetly i do not have those features XD

;---; rip

being relentless is pointless

dude, triggered much lol

im not trying to do shit

how do i tell someone i hate to fuck off but they like have a 'bond' with me

if it was that easy i would have done it

because she's a little bitch

a girl i know

she dated my ex boyfriend

y-yeah XDD

because shes a little bitch

good point

its a laughing face, ^^

i also do not care for you opinion on on that subject either

;-; poor tree

good grammar @Demir

XD dick

lol alright then ^^

no homo






actual you would loose your bet

i in fact have a vagina XD

just a bit XD

nope XD

im not like that lol

i dont eat lol anymore XDD

OwO i am back

* gives * sure ;3

pussy and bum XD


@Bluree best thing to do anyway

no thigh sends ;P

@DreamSenpai i do not give pics out lol


lol no exposing for the thigh pics

<:akashrug:304403453864706058> I'll think about it


your favorite bitch is back

i gotta question

1. why

2. how the fuck do i break up someone whos fragile

;----; rip


your favorite bitch is back

XD lol

and hello to you too @Tyler (honeyb4dger 11)

so what the fuck you guys doing? @DreamSenpai

@DreamSenpai i just woke up like 20 minutes ago so i feel your pain XD

its 3:20pm here

your favorite bitch is back

Blood Lad could of been better tbh

Bitch is back

@Bluree I'll think about it <:thatsrightkiddo:274752888901730305>

@Bluree Have a good night dream of the thighs

maybe 0-0

good :3

Hey everyone!

your favorite bitch is on!

@PotatoWarlord Either is fine ^^

Hello Everyone!

Your favorite bitch is on

I am so Lassie

tf is lssie

Hello Everyone!

Your favorite bitch is on ^^

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