PieInYourFace StreaX

Discord ID: 457037519494840322

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Rip PewDiePie

No 100 MIL for him :(

*evil laugh*

Monika best Girl


I haven't watched anything for months so I started watching Bungou stray dogs

@>w< I read a 200 page hentai manga without fapping

And I am Mary Ham

Or lolipop chainsaw

I play csgo

Helo there!

"I straighter than the pole ur mum dances on"


@DJ Stapler wonderful, gives the experience a little more buzz

I have some wisdom to share as well

||dogs have feet||

I bought terminator salvation for two dollars yesterday

"a small price to pay for salvation"

Hello there

How about forever?

I shall take my leave as well

I have exan tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜†

Nice yogurt

Okay, ciao

Hello there!

Don't try it

@MineDenis I transfer my high ground to you

Don't try it

You were the chosen one!

You were supposed to bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness!

Who knows

Shit, I just realised that rp isn't allowed on the server

The force is doomed.

Fuck cbt, that site looks painful

Imagine being the 69,420th member in the server

I have no idea what the server is talking about

*visible cOnfusion*

Hello there!

Watched Dark Phoenix

Good, but batman dying at the end dissapointed me

On a serious note, the movie does have some of the best action in the Franchise

Jean had some good development, but the bad guys were quite dull

My virginity isn't worth anything

Sadly, I never had a son. Only a nephew

And I taught him the Force


Wow, subreddits on discord, I need to get a life


I have 300pp



I felt a moment of silence in this channel just now, and it was beautiful

However, I am a master of true solitude, I have a Whatsapp group where in the only member

@The Hentai Man Nah fam, anakin got one shoved up his though

But that is a story for another time


My commander told me to fire at will

I got charged for murder after that

Independence Day?

Thighs are cool

But armpits are the best

All of the bitches say Obi delicious,
But to say I love bitches is completely fictitious

@j o k e r I see you are a man of culture

Hello there!

@Chef Pengu It's Okay, I have the high ground

@Tree begone thot

You know what else is going in your mouth?
My lightsaber

It's not gay, but it should die


More importantly, why are you gay?

From another wahman?

*you are brutal words*

If they don't show thighs, they are a lie

I own my body

Hello there

I listen to Isis nowadays

You know what else is hot?

The earth, Global warming is real

It's like Monday over here, is it still fathers day?

It's 2:22 PM here

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