nationalist4liberty (CI-1)

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Thoughts on Paul Nehlen?

@here paul nehlen was on cantwell today, pretty interesting, he cleared up some of the rumors and stuff

Cantwell said he would help the FBI drop the hammer on Antifa

meanwhile TRS cozied up with the sperg who said to kill jews and their babies and to blow up buildings

yeah the guy who is a literal jew is good to lead us

and if we want to purity spiral we cant leave out Enochs past

Just because I think Ricky Vaughn is dumb doesn't mean I support goon marches or think Nehlen is god

I'd appreciate honest discussions that are in good faith.

Tired: America needs a 1776

Wired: America needs 1933

Inspired: America needs 1492

>We both spent months campaigning for Carly Fiorina, drawn to her message of โ€œconservative feminism.โ€

>omg nick makes $100 a month on hatreon!

(((college conservatism)))

no he said nick is 1/4 mexican

>thinking mexican is a race

being 1/4 mexican means you are a castizo at worst

highly likely you are pretty much just white

in the spanish caste system if you are 3 parts white 1 part mestizo then you are considered white

`So let me get this straight...

Ricky Vaughn offered to sell Paul Nehlen the personal information of Alt Right personalities (without their knowledge or consent) through his campaign strategy / marketing firm, solicited a $2500/mo consulting contract from him, and then publicly slurred him incessantly after he politely declined?

"Hire my firm to boost your reputation or else I'll use it to hurt your reputation!"

I don't know, goys. Sounds like economic terrorism to me, if true. Plus, if you put food on your table by selling the personal information of white nationalists to politicians without their knowledge or consent, I'm not sure you really have a right to complain when your personal information gets made public without your consent.

Sounds to me like he got a dose of his own bad medicine.`

yeah I wont pretend to be savvy to all the details here

Well it is fact that he offered a service PN

how exactly that service worked we dont know but it involved data-mining and social media scraping

Nehlen talked about it when he was on cantwell

Like I said I don't know much on it just reporting what was said

Rush addressing jayz comments right now

And they can all fit together ala multiculturalism

The marxists new they couldn't take down America the same way they did Russia

So they took the back door route of destroying us culturally and demographically

Just call it multiculturalism

its marxism applied to culture

where the struggle is not based on class its based on ethnicity/culture

The feds arent really going after antif-

Hunter seems like a solid guy, I just wish he was smarter about optics and strategy

I don't follow him, just listening to the podcast

Hes not understanding how important public image is

And he also doesn't seem to believe in elections

Which is what I mean when I say he's wrong about strategy

Your parents are (((parents)))?

It's now said that Ricky Vaughn works for a company owned by a Jew

If he was a hardcore reactionary amnat it would be one thinf

He signals agains wn, identitarian, ethnostate etc

May as well follow Gavin mciness

I'm among European liberals right now

One of them race mixed with a Mexican

How do you move here from Europe then marry a Mexican dude?

Because women, that's why

Operating off pure feels will destroy a society

I don't agree with the mixing tho

This polish lady has a retarded son and she has him wearing girls clothes

Nvm it's a girl with short hair

Can only work when limited like to white land owning men

And in a homogeneous society

Rhodesia was a type of meritocratic democracy but failed because those unqualified to participate chimped out and demanded to run the country

uhh wasnt the last (((gas attack))) in april too?

IE excepts 3/4 whites btw

But I dont think you can be nog

I dont think quadroons are accepted

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