[{ B L A N K }]

Discord ID: 205438589532766208

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So, I'm too stubborn to update my iphone so I can keep my jailbroken capabilities. Issue is my contacts app is either corrupt or broken and I cant fix it, so now I have to use my old phone as an address book for my iphone.

Legit can't add any contacts to my iphone and I just gave up on it. I want to buy a note 8 tbh but I'm a little rough on cash atm so I have to use this system for now.

@Fiction-RS i've tried for like 4-5 hours to fix it using all the methods including using ifunbox to try and manually delete the contacts app and try to reinstall it but appearently there's no way to do that.

Just got locked out of my bank acc. GG

lol, a bigger oof is the fact that they aren't open until 10AM.

@leag that is slightly interesting.

Yo, does anyone want to join the Buddha Statue Appreciation Club

I pay for 50mbps internet speed

I get 28 mbps up and 3mpbs down.


Imagine imagining of wanting underage pussy



`police sirens`

who even is this dude


`AgE iS jUsT a ConCEpT`- Cream

๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ‘Œ


Help me, germans are trying to make another uprising

Yo guys

Send help in Boy's Locker Room

Germans making a uprising again

They're saying concentration camp in german

@โคClaire~Senpaiโค your pfp says the exact oppisite

@โคClaire~Senpaiโค jokes on you, I don't have a gender preference <:dab:391964322294923273>

Your cunt




look at this doood



they have a website about how to care for catgirls


.flac kun

.mpeg chan

Tfw you arenโ€™t popular enough to get virus links <:dab:391964322294923273>

Sorry, iโ€™m of asian heritage.

So, I'm having connection issues in vc, anyone else

I guess I'm kicked from VC for a little bit(?)

Btw guys, just a quick note

Monster hunter world 50% off


you can sleep.....When you're dead! @n00b

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