r/MensRights • YAGPDB

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**AutocorrectHER is a chrome extension to help you neuter your language so as not to trigger strong empowered women**
*by UUUU__UUUU (<https://redd.it/b0la0l>)*

**There’s called pulling a gun is already a natural deterrent. Normally people stop doing whatever they were doing when you pull out a gun.**
*by GooseMan126 (<https://redd.it/b0lotv>)*

**Great! Now can you please stop complaining about female representation of women in video games? No. Of course you won’t.**
*by GooseMan126 (<https://redd.it/b0lpo5>)*

**I guess you never saw the death to men signs at that rally?**
*by GooseMan126 (<https://redd.it/b0lq5j>)*

**Isn’t it funny that feminists pretend to care about Jews on International Woman’s Day, but the rest of the year, they kick them out of their movement and demonize their homeland?**
*by GooseMan126 (<https://redd.it/b0ls80>)*

**Mother, 35, GUILTY of gross negligence manslaughter after her 13-month-old baby girl died in bath**
*by goodmod (<https://redd.it/b0lsg9>)*

**A New Study Supports Evolutionary Psychology’s Explanation For Why Men And Women Want Different Attributes In Partners | The feminist claim that male & female mate preferences are entirely social conditioning has just been further debunked.**
*by EricAllonde (<https://redd.it/b0lt57>)*

**Fun fact! Captain Marvel used to be a black woman originally. That was back in the 1970’s. I bet you don’t think it’s so progressive now?**
*by GooseMan126 (<https://redd.it/b0ltmj>)*

**Isn’t it strange that women are so strong and powerful and just as good as men, but they need gender quotas to get jobs?**
*by GooseMan126 (<https://redd.it/b0lv5t>)*

**Great! They have everything that you want. Are they satisfied? No they aren’t. All they want to do is destroy men. They don’t want gender equality. They want female superiority.**
*by GooseMan126 (<https://redd.it/b0lway>)*

**Notice that all of these laws exist in the east, not the west. Western culture is the home of equality. The only place feminisms is useful is the east, which is conveniently the only place feminists won’t criticize.**
*by GooseMan126 (<https://redd.it/b0lx4q>)*

**Men face genital mutilation in 80% of births. Try again.**
*by GooseMan126 (<https://redd.it/b0lyyy>)*

**No, it won’t. When you attack your main audience, then your base won’t support you. Also, Captain Marvel is only trailblazing because of Disney’s own choices.**
*by GooseMan126 (<https://redd.it/b0lzyp>)*

**Male obesity exceeds female obesity by a large margin in every one of the 10 most obese countries in the world, with about twice the rate of men being obese as female being obese in the US. Male health needs to become a priority in the US immediately.**
*by JustXisting (<https://redd.it/b0m6x6>)*

**Someone reposted "The worst a woman can get" responce to the Gillette advert after it was taken down.**
*by Virtual-Knight (<https://redd.it/b0m8f9>)*

**“Worldwide” Statistics about Men**
*by TheRealMrSeptember (<https://redd.it/b0maqf>)*
Hello everyone.

(Before I start I should mention that, I googled it and searched several statistics websites and didn’t found anything except female statistics.)

I’m a senior economics student in college and as a graduation project I’m preparin...

**TL;DR - The "Pink Tax" and its Pricey Plastics**
*by alrun (<https://redd.it/b0mg5a>)*

**Johnny Depp FALSELY Accused? Listen And Believe HURTS The Innocent - YouTube**
*by trivialretort (<https://redd.it/b0mkcm>)*

**Woman Gets 93 Days In Jail For Laughing/Smirking At A Grieving Victim In Court**
*by bogotmonserr (<https://redd.it/b0mtfk>)*

**Well they don’t have to deal with dissent anymore seeing as they ban people for “wrong-think”**
*by GooseMan126 (<https://redd.it/b0n20j>)*

**Surprising absolutely no one, Terry Crews has now walked back his comments regarding Fatherhood.**
*by BaconCatBug (<https://redd.it/b0n4kd>)*

**At my interview they asked, “How would a male rape victim differ?”**
*by only_bc_4chan_isdown (<https://redd.it/b0n6y6>)*
Female MRA here, social work student as well. I went in for an interview for a location for field placement/ practicum and was asked this great question. The position is a Rape Crisis Counselor. I’m so happy that they included this question in the...

**A bill passed by the Utah Senate makes genital cutting of female children illegal but leaves no protection for boys.**
*by carbot117 (<https://redd.it/b0nw7o>)*

**Nicegirl stabs boyfriend and tries to act like it’s the boyfriends fault.**
*by Mavrok9182002 (<https://redd.it/b0o6ga>)*

**This is considered offensive, sexist and misogynistic, despite it being a fact that men outperform women in virtually every domain of serious competence and skill. Women wont or can't perform at the same level**
*by johnboycutter (<https://redd.it/b0oa5y>)*

**A New Study Supports Evolutionary Psychology’s Explanation For Why Men And Women Want Different Attributes In Partners**
*by shit-zen-giggles (<https://redd.it/b0oc4r>)*

**"Try not to traumatise others with their suicide"**
*by A_Dissapointed_Salad (<https://redd.it/b0oijo>)*

**In nature, poisonous creatures will develop bright colours to warn others of their toxicity.**
*by SophistMonk (<https://redd.it/b0oj2d>)*

**I need a willing interviewee for a college argumentative paper I'm writing**
*by thedoctorsphoenix (<https://redd.it/b0okr8>)*
He could be a victim of domestic abuse (either by a male or female) who has encountered setbacks because of his gender when trying to get help from domestic abuse, or he/she could be a worker in the field of abuse support who has worked with male ...

**The rainforest hermit who stepped out of the wild**
*by Sasha_ (<https://redd.it/b0otax>)*

**'I celebrated and didn’t feel embarrassed that there was no father involved' - Irish mums using donors to complete their families**
*by JohnKimble111 (<https://redd.it/b0p3m0>)*

**What are your thoughts about Andrew Yang?**
*by trumpean (<https://redd.it/b0p4hq>)*
I stumbled across Yang when he did his segment on the Joe Rogan podcast last month. I was floored when he discussed how men have unique struggles, and that he bashed the idea that the suffering of men (white men, in particular) is somehow less imp...

**What "hero" means to feminists**
*by swiet (<https://redd.it/b0pf2y>)*

**"There's no benefit to being a victim. Also, the UN is a respectable organization."**
*by RentsBoy (<https://redd.it/b0pfqj>)*

**Men are obligated to support the illegitimate child without any right to custody**
*by colodell (<https://redd.it/b0pif0>)*

**Woman rapper endorses publicly rape against men**
*by swiet (<https://redd.it/b0pipf>)*

**Berlin offers women 21 percent metro ticket discount to highlight pay gap**
*by toivon (<https://redd.it/b0pj4f>)*

**US Women’s Soccer Team Sues For Equal Pay | The ‘Fair Share’ Is Bigger Than the Actual Pie**
*by boringcarpets (<https://redd.it/b0pn4t>)*

**I think most of the 410,000 subscribers on this sub are MRAs as well**
*by swiet (<https://redd.it/b0pr0q>)*

**Damn men and their *shuffles cards * espousing the importance of having a father**
*by some1thing1 (<https://redd.it/b0pw9g>)*

**Title IX legislation strengthening due process is being proposed on the state level with increasing frequency. Here are six recent examples.**
*by Title_IX_For_All (<https://redd.it/b0pwf4>)*

**Helen Pluckrose on Man-hating and the Grievance Study Hoax**
*by AloysiusC (<https://redd.it/b0pybu>)*

**In the last 8,000 years, 17 times more women than men reproduced. How can anyone call that a "patriarchy"?**
*by swiet (<https://redd.it/b0pzfr>)*

**13,325 women and 33,848 men. That’s the gender gap of suicide in the US that was counted in 2017. The easier and safer we make it for people to die, the closer to equality we get.**
*by Bludhaund (<https://redd.it/b0qleb>)*

**Have you noticed that the West focuses almost exclusively on problems that women face when it comes to Islamic countries?**
*by UsedToBeRadical (<https://redd.it/b0quzw>)*
Women of course are oppressed significantly in Islamic countries. However, I find it problematic that the West focuses almost exclusively on them. You always see news about women getting stoned to death and beaten up etc. Of course these women des...

**United Nations Officials Endorse Parliamentary Quotas For Women (Because It Is Impossible For a Man to Represent a Woman Constituent)**
*by lostapwbm (<https://redd.it/b0r34r>)*

**Everyone knows this. How does the MRM approach it? Would you say "women and children first" is societal prejudice and should change, or do you want it to stay/back?**
*by Tosugos (<https://redd.it/b0r3zf>)*

**The Sexual Politics of Meat, by Carol J Adams - Comedy Gold**
*by notacrackheadofficer (<https://redd.it/b0r4z6>)*

**2020 U.S. Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang just declared he opposes routine infant circumcision!**
*by carbot117 (<https://redd.it/b0rcgx>)*

**This article has been flying around a bit, it outlines a serious issue, has been updated for 5 years and is written by a woman. Still got me banned from posting on r/Feminism, they aren't interested in equality issues they're interested in personal social power.**
*by heroinequeefer (<https://redd.it/b0rdma>)*

**How r/gendercritical is good proof that there’s not as much female prejudice as feminists say there is.**
*by alexhenry117 (<https://redd.it/b0rgdk>)*
r/gendercritical is meant to be a subreddit only for women to protest male oppression god women, but scrolling through their top of all time you don’t see any examples of this. What do you see instead? Females hating male to female transgenders. T...

**Barclays HeForShe program going insane!**
*by bg4y7GQZ (<https://redd.it/b0rm7a>)*
You can see Barclays latest report on [Gender "Parity" here](http://imgur.com/a/jG2Z31W)

Some of the things that most disturb me are

1)The random quotes e.g. on page six where the guy says that his sister's have disadvantages but they are all ...

**The fact that it is this easy to ruin a man's life deeply scares me.**
*by Vermilionette (<https://redd.it/b0s946>)*

**If Divorce Lawyers Were Honest...**
*by rbrockway (<https://redd.it/b0sguk>)*

**Have you experienced anti-male hate speech at work?**
*by Wanderer15 (<https://redd.it/b0shvp>)*
Could anyone protest, or would they have been fired?

**Bill Burr and Joe Rogan talk White Guilt / The Far Left / Feminism (Commentary)**
*by a-Gangst (<https://redd.it/b0sm7e>)*

**Of the 27 Deadliest Mass Shooters, 26 of Them Had One Thing in Common**
*by EqualMeansEqual (<https://redd.it/b0sqky>)*

**Abused By My Girlfriend: The Teenage Romance That Descended Into Terrible Violence**
*by IrishGuyNYC00 (<https://redd.it/b0sxot>)*

**Quite sad if you ask me**
*by needcshelp1234 (<https://redd.it/b0syvi>)*

**Well, looks like i got kicked off r/feminism for challenging their unbelievably autistic views on videogames,books and capitalism. Welp to free speech bois**
*by EDGELORD6789 (<https://redd.it/b0t993>)*

**The proof we STILL live in a man's world: Phones too big for our palms, chilly offices, cars designed for male drivers - a fascinating new book reveals the little ways life really is stacked against women. OP: The comments are good!**
*by furchfur (<https://redd.it/b0ta0k>)*

**Either they are celebrating a team entirely composed of women under the facade of equality, but rather being sexist. Or they are ignoring the equal amount of help men put into the games in order to "empower women"**
*by fasehed (<https://redd.it/b0tc2l>)*

**Give your son the gift (birthright) of his natural sex life and bodily integrity**
*by xdmbx (<https://redd.it/b0tpfo>)*

**Involuntary Reproduction: A concept I finally have a word for.**
*by Mode1961 (<https://redd.it/b0tuay>)*
For a long time, I have been trying to find a word to describe the reproductive rights that men are missing in western society.

It is my belief that "Involuntary Reproduction" are those words.

Women have a multitude of legal choices culminating ...

**People Believed Johnny Depp Was A Domestic Abuser. It Turns Out He May Have Been The Victim.**
*by TheAndredal (<https://redd.it/b0u6zw>)*

**Why Some People Are Calling to 'Uncancel' Johnny Depp in Wake of His $50 Million Lawsuit Against Amber Heard**
*by TheAndredal (<https://redd.it/b0u761>)*

**Gender Pay Gap Discrimination: Google Underpaid Men**
*by IrishGuyNYC00 (<https://redd.it/b0u800>)*

**Women shouldn't be in power - RCMP recruits from extremist Mosque in Toronto**
*by altageno (<https://redd.it/b0udtf>)*

**This post saying about how to spot signs of domestic abuse only using female pronouns not once mentioning the man could be getting abused**
*by sbecks3 (<https://redd.it/b0uj3v>)*

**A US Presidential candidate with an anti-circumcision stance!**
*by trumpean (<https://redd.it/b0uscv>)*

**The tweet may/may not be a tad extreme but we get his point; it's sad that these white knights and women don't. Imagine if the genders were reversed.**
*by Muthusrinivaaz (<https://redd.it/b0v5ub>)*

**To make some kind of political point regarding equality?**
*by Muthusrinivaaz (<https://redd.it/b0v6hf>)*

**Woman hires her husband's friend without knowing as a hitman to kill her husband, She gets 20 years.**
*by syedney333 (<https://redd.it/b0vb0c>)*

**Just cuz you're a lady don't mean ya get away with crimes**
*by FabianWolfgang (<https://redd.it/b0vdz3>)*

**How can I, a young man, avoid false rape accusations?**
*by hustlemuscleracing (<https://redd.it/b0vo6b>)*
I'm an 18 year old guy and am about to go to university soon. As I'm sure many of you will warn against me seeking college post secondary education, I'm only doing so to find an easy desk job career and make a decent living for myself.

Once I'm ...

**How Non-Offending Parents (Mostly Dads) Get Caught in the CPS System**
*by DougDante (<https://redd.it/b0vowu>)*
Tweet with me to seek justice:

> "How Non-Offending Parents Get Caught in the CPS System" Dads especially face a rigged game when mom is unfit. Fix this @OIGatHHS @HHSOCR @SecAzar @realDonaldTrump @GOPHELP #fathersrights #mensrights #genderequity...

*by FickleTrust (<https://redd.it/b0vtwx>)*

**My take on gender roles and emotional vulnerability**
*by IF_HellishRelish (<https://redd.it/b0vx4i>)*
I'm just going to start by saying this: I am new to reddit, and I need a place to vent.

Throughout my ongoing teenage years, one thing has become apparent: that the role of men is to be as emotionless as possible, and prize only a sexual relation...

**Feminist actress charged over fraud to get her two daughters into USC.**
*by rarebat (<https://redd.it/b0vx5p>)*

**The reason I won't be getting an engineering job :math**
*by techtesh (<https://redd.it/b0w2b2>)*
Background :just completed my bachelors in engineering (electronics)
With honors 8 ptr(equivalent to 3.5ish GPA) 1 research paper, 1 response paper (published in ieee extreme India). 38 projects (most just do the min 14).
So this happened during o...

**The reason I won't be getting an engineering job :math**
*by techtesh (<https://redd.it/b0w2bo>)*
Background :just completed my bachelors in engineering (electronics)
With honors 8 ptr(equivalent to 3.5ish GPA) 1 research paper, 1 response paper (published in ieee extreme India). 38 projects (most just do the min 14).
So this happened during o...

**This video. Massive Redpill leakage in the comment section. We are getting closer, boys!**
*by rHiMrBob (<https://redd.it/b0w6e0>)*

**has anyone lost any friends over being a mra?**
*by justfor0000 (<https://redd.it/b0wen6>)*
my best friend posted some feminist thingy and I commented on it, she deleted my comment and wont talk to me.

we have been friends for 15 years so I'm hoping she wont throw all of it under the Bus just over a comment.

**Amber Heard's future in the DCEU may be in doubt after defamation lawsuit from Johnny Depp. I can only hope so.**
*by disayle32 (<https://redd.it/b0wk75>)*

263 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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