Deleted User 2fc68b82

Discord ID: 378268789172731904

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Hey bepis

Fucking Ni||ce people||

whatโ€™s a bruh moment

Whatโ€™s a bruh moment??

explain exactly what bruh moment is

Youโ€™re not very good at giving an explanation






oh ya yeet

@Kamikaze only 102 Spotifyโ€™s linked to my profile

I like Spotify

@ one of them


Mom why arenโ€™t you mod


Why does my discord keep crashing

how do i get thot role

ill send my dick to everyone

@Puuungi yeah whatโ€™s the thot role

how many dick pics do I have to send

Itโ€™s orange?

give me that role

I post shit in here a lot

Iโ€™d take anything other than green

Loli shut up

youโ€™re too young for that

must be 18+ for that

@ShadyS whereโ€™d you go man




who wants nitro

which one wanted nitro, Marvin?

I got $10 to spare

whatโ€™s shovel knight

Marvin arenโ€™t you friends with that one chick

Elaine was her name

for awhile

she kept telling me she was friends with you

I was Ban#0001 and she was Elaine#0001

like the anime

I came in here and randomly saw Elaine in vc

didnโ€™t even change my name because of her or anything

was so random

imagine getting banned from hentai haven discord <a:winkwonk:592538897184194571>


hello mom

and Marvin

Ngl Marvinโ€™s first word to me was the n word

youโ€™re a trap!!!

never forget Marvinโ€™s a trap

and a trap

how come you got that girl pfp

BAck then

Dumb fucking 5s cooldown

itโ€™s probably more of a meme

I like that bro

I like you

I donโ€™t like special snowflakes

fake artist accounts on discord??

dude is my pfp filthy frank

@Coppertine are you saying that itโ€™s not possible for anyone on earth to have the same name as someone else?

cause clearly you are

if I had my pfp as filthyfrankw

then Iโ€™d be more of a fake artists account

110 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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