
Discord ID: 183454323668287488

81 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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Fullhomo or ur a pussy


Why cant ricardo bless my existence

Its all i want

Not replacing 0 with k in 2k19


God is dead and we kiwwed him uwu



Dont waste food, dude

Ur not allowed then im sorry

Ill haveto ask u to relocate your existence

Away from this planet

Feel free to cum in dms if u feel like it

Not my dms, someone elses tho

Like hentaisenpais, i bet hed enjoy it

Get that stale greek yogurt

Girl cum gang

Kinda girl cum gang

U havent met the right girls then

Traps were einsteins blessing to the world, a final gift for the mortal realm

This is just cum

Green nut

Truly a philosophical questiom unanswered

Mustve been a hoax


Hey nerd

hey cum

Premature cum gang


Taking zinc supplements increases your cum volume



Shut up gamer, you dont have any rights

I do have a lot of shutup retard u dont know me, gamer

I forgive u gamer

The day of our lord?

Snitch on them kids

Im up for neck bungee jumping

Have a good day at work

No links, cum

*cum noises*

No thats gay

h thats fine then

If skin doesnt touch its technically not sex

Gotchu 🏳️‍🌈

Its a fetish

Did u buy hh branded cum



My favourite street fighter character cummy

Imagine not spamming cum

Oh no, he said the cum word

For 2 minutes

The most capital of sins

fastest undunce in the west <:dab:391964322294923273>

I couldnt even appreciate the drab gray walls of the gulag properly smh

Bite sized pp

will suck dick for mcnuggets




Fuck is that edit pen thing

I see

Rich ass mf

Who uses cars in 2019, everyone using **m i n d** nowadays, get with the times

True gamers dont work, game every waking moment

True gamers cheat on their wife

Me, subscribe to my twitch YouTube mixer and twitter


Believe in yourswlf

I thought u only did bbcs

happy birftday

e-girls, please send me nudes too


too many rarted people

fuck fakku

u can dowload shit on hanime, calm ur tits

trusting fakku again OMEGALUL

@n00b what <:angery:297573697949007873>

81 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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