
Discord ID: 133733515362697216

56 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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Be your own fantasies?

I am not interested inmyself

Edgy could you be on a phone? When I am on a phone a lot of things vanish for me. ~~Checked and they are on a phone~~

@lil.Edgy Try to restart the app.

What are they boney of

Welcome Edge

yeah, of course. you're welcoem @lil.Edgy

Hi, how are you?

Well I go by kaname.

I feel old tbh.

Yes yes, I know. because is name is ColourBlind

I was making a joke.because the name my Ex gave me is from someone who is "old"

Why woudl you smell y- wait

Why would you smell someone elses?!

Also, blubber you missed it, at the beginning of my nitro I was using miia as my pfp

Why would you fuck me?

We just met!

Ah yes grind, grind hard.

<#229772872090910721> @Extinct

Why do I like that

Honestly didn't know this server was so fun to be in like people wise.

Oh @Extinct Can I be bored with you?

I'm going to go reading have fun with whatever you guys do

~~probbly what Blubber said~~

Question, for rule 12, Can you still talk in general if you're in a VC if you're talking to people in General? I got banned from a server without a warning for that (I call abuse)

Just checking, I don't want to get banned or muted

I am gone for like not even five mins and someone got banned

That name though

I am awake for two days oo

How do you fuck a car

Windows minecraft

Bold of you to assume it's made of wood.

Made of snakes? No no that's illegal

Lasagna is good

@Mom What kind of nudes btw?

Are they liek noodles?

I had Mealworms would recomend again

Oh I'll pass then

if it was nudes of a person I'd be accept or noddles

But thanos I'll pass

56 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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