Dr. Λᵐᵉʳᶤᶜᵃ

Discord ID: 144670992768172032

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2020-01-21 01:59:00 UTC [The Donald #general]  

I know for vehicles so long as you arent actually driving them and they remain on private property, you can own and maintain them

The person I knew in Florida had numerous aircraft without a pilots license and could fly them up to something like 200ft over his property legally

2020-01-21 01:59:53 UTC [The Donald #general]  

You can legally drive any land vehicle as much as you want privately with no license on your property or private property someone else owns with permission

2020-01-21 02:00:15 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Knew plenty of people who won lawsuits for boating licenses because of that as well

2020-01-21 02:00:51 UTC [The Donald #general]  

***things the government doesnt want you to know***

2020-01-21 02:03:49 UTC [The Donald #general]  

When I lived on a farm we had a neighbor for a short while who would often call the police over the smallest thing, mind you this neighbor was at least half a mile away and generally it was the sound of gunshots

With the local police we had issues with various equipment, cars, or weapons but when challenged the county would back down as their claims were unconstitutional or unlawful for state and county

2020-01-21 02:04:15 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Most gunshots were target practice or shooting wild hogs, which are a danger to humans

2020-01-21 02:10:51 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Fun little story

In our garage for a short while we had my fathers rifle, given to him by a family member from WW2, it was an automatic weapon with a drum attachment, the manufacturing date on the attachment was 1995, a year after the assault weapons ban

The police at the time tried to flip this as a modern assault weapon

Upon showing the weapon was nonfunctional and the drum attachment was cosmetic at best, even though functional, the county and state dropped the case

2020-01-21 02:11:15 UTC [The Donald #general]  

<a:Boomer:584813810850856960> <a:flagwave:411054675094405141>

2020-01-21 02:15:25 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Fuck wild hogs, and I speak from living and working in 4 different states

2020-01-21 02:16:21 UTC [The Donald #general]  

I was young enough in the late 90s and early 2000s on that farm, and even at that point, far north of Florida, we would get chased and charged by them

We knew of neighbors who were skewered

2020-01-21 02:17:21 UTC [The Donald #general]  

If you go to northern Florida and southern Georgia especially, you can just sit in a blind and snipe the for hours

2020-01-21 02:17:28 UTC [The Donald #general]  

bonus is you get free bacon out of it

2020-01-21 02:17:31 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-21 02:19:57 UTC [The Donald #general]  

i blame a consolidation of Europeans combined with people and children who think socialism and communism is an appropriate response to things they dont like

2020-01-21 02:20:13 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Obama somehow struck all the right chords with a bunch of groups

2020-01-21 02:21:42 UTC [The Donald #general]  

I dont hate the guy, he is who he is, grew up how he grew up, but his general policies and his "attempts" at world peace caused a greater divide in the American people that should be pointed out

2020-01-21 02:22:35 UTC [The Donald #general]  

And Ive found in my own communities and generally online that it tends to split people

2020-01-21 02:26:04 UTC [The Donald #general]  

oh lol, I cant join that Discord, that might be one I got banned from

2020-01-21 02:26:06 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-21 02:26:12 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-21 02:44:58 UTC [The Donald #general]  

> Fuck the Democrats

2020-01-21 02:45:02 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-21 03:51:56 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Dang yo, missed your chance

2020-01-21 03:52:01 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-21 04:26:02 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-21 04:27:20 UTC [The Donald #general]  

***It's just a jump to the left
And then a step to the right
With your hands on your hips
You bring your knees in tight
But it's the pelvic thrust
That really drives you insane***

2020-01-21 04:30:01 UTC [The Donald #general]  

murpple after this chat


2020-01-21 04:36:28 UTC [The Donald #general]  

EU has more people than US and Obama server is filled with Europeans

2020-01-21 04:36:58 UTC [The Donald #general]  

You go in there and say unregulated free speech is good and guns are a human right and you end up banned

2020-01-21 04:37:09 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-21 04:37:25 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Dunking on commies is pretty based

2020-01-21 04:39:51 UTC [The Donald #general]  

does it taste like grapes though

2020-01-21 04:39:56 UTC [The Donald #general]  

thats the important question

2020-01-21 04:40:38 UTC [The Donald #general]  

hmm but you wont know until you try

2020-01-21 04:40:56 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Sure, just wipe it off

2020-01-21 04:41:04 UTC [The Donald #general]  

gotta be sanitary ya know

2020-01-21 04:42:08 UTC [The Donald #general]  

have a pic of that saved on my phone, gave me a roit giggle

2020-01-21 04:43:25 UTC [The Donald #general]  

<:trumpsalute2:624684793388466177> <a:flagwave:411054675094405141>

2020-01-21 04:44:00 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Oh hey zoop, you are in Israel Discord too

2020-01-21 04:44:06 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-21 04:47:29 UTC [The Donald #general]  

maga rolls off tongue, kag as a single syllable feels like a hang-up

2020-01-21 04:49:26 UTC [The Donald #memes]  

I give you another of my quality memes


2020-01-21 05:12:11 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Dio Brando

Awww snap is that a jojo reference <:yes:588895583314509845> <:yes:588895583314509845> <:yes:588895583314509845>

2020-01-21 05:13:24 UTC [The Donald #general]  

And just like an STD the 5 minutes of fun makes you think it's worth it

2020-01-21 05:13:27 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-21 05:30:21 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Guns and outdoors sounds good

2020-01-21 05:30:28 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-21 05:35:57 UTC [The Donald #general]  

I like my guns

2020-01-21 05:36:58 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-21 05:38:52 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-21 05:38:56 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-21 05:39:25 UTC [The Donald #general]  

It's linked on my discord profile

2020-01-21 05:40:51 UTC [The Donald #general]  

@SpaceJew now post my review of Trump game

2020-01-21 05:41:44 UTC [The Donald #general]  

See above screenshot for my hours

2020-01-21 05:42:26 UTC [The Donald #general]  

<:TrumpApproved:563918031911387159> <a:BestCountryWave:463076904652767242>

2020-01-21 05:42:52 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Would make Steam display 1777

2020-01-21 05:44:15 UTC [The Donald #general]  

If you don't have the first and second amendment you don't live in a better country

2020-01-21 05:44:18 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-21 05:44:53 UTC [The Donald #general]  

It's like meta humor

2020-01-21 05:48:58 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Where's that gets stabbed safe like us meme

2020-01-21 05:51:00 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-21 05:51:03 UTC [The Donald #general]  


Oh...you're approaching me


2020-01-21 05:54:33 UTC [The Donald #general]  

My father gifted me a knife a few days ago, in the UK this would be considered a crime, oh how the mighty have fallen

I guess it's true, you can domesticate people

2020-01-21 05:54:37 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-21 05:56:52 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Dunking on the Brits is like "fill in the blank"

2020-01-21 05:58:45 UTC [The Donald #general]  

The world is just waiting to be annexed in the name of freedom, united states of Earth when

2020-01-21 06:00:10 UTC [The Donald #general]  

UK should leave EU and then join US

2020-01-21 06:01:05 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Imagine not being American <a:BestCountryWave:463076904652767242>

2020-01-21 06:13:41 UTC [The Donald #general]  

***reading this chat be like***


2020-01-21 16:33:45 UTC [The Donald #memes]  


2020-01-21 18:03:13 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-21 18:03:40 UTC [The Donald #general]  

***General Kenobi***

2020-01-21 18:33:48 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Be like me and manufacture memes

2020-01-21 18:33:52 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-21 19:14:42 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-21 19:14:45 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-21 20:49:45 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-22 17:23:36 UTC [The Donald #memes]  


2020-01-22 17:36:29 UTC [The Donald #memes]  


2020-01-22 23:48:41 UTC [The Donald #memes]  


2020-01-23 00:02:11 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-23 00:20:21 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-23 02:40:39 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-23 02:42:00 UTC [The Donald #general]  

I think you'll find people here who say its real, say its fake, and generally most can agree the alarmists help no one

2020-01-23 02:45:11 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-23 02:45:13 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-23 02:46:43 UTC [The Donald #general]  

if I shoot myself in the foot, I dont have a right to force my neighbor to drive me to the hospital

2020-01-23 02:49:06 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Also it doesnt help anyone when the figureheads of the climate activists are doing everything they tell others not to do

The response translated
> Dear #Greta, thank you for supporting us railroad workers in the fight against climate change! We were pleased that you were on the ICE 74 with us on Saturday. And with 100 percent green electricity.
> It would have been even nicer if you had also reported how friendly and competent you were looked after by our team at your seat in first class.


2020-01-23 02:50:30 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Every time the federal government does a state bailout or gives funds to the states over half of the funds go to the politicians, and when states want to keep feeding off the feds the feds make stipulations for states to obey

There is no solution to do this federally as in the long run it harms everyone

2020-01-23 02:50:59 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Nothing like ever climbing taxes and ages of consumption

2020-01-23 02:52:24 UTC [The Donald #general]  

State government tends to be far more efficient, federal government is supposed to be an arbitrator and minor regulator for interactions between the states

Trumps "rollbacks" are less rollbacks and more attempting to set the federal government closer to what its intended goal is

2020-01-23 02:53:12 UTC [The Donald #general]  

In the US if you want environmental protection, then given the variations between the states and available funds, it is up to those states to make those mandates, no federal blanket mandate is going to do it

2020-01-23 02:53:31 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-01-23 02:54:45 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Ive seen greater climate change activism in the midwest through choice of communities and people opting in than in what the federal government has tried to push

2020-01-23 02:57:23 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Have to go for a bit, so I'll leave this and leave y'all to the impeachment chat



2020-01-23 03:45:39 UTC [The Donald #memes]  


344 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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