
Discord ID: 517921931685789707

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Iโ€™m hungry.....

My Mac and cheese went cold ๐Ÿ˜ข

@sazeru donโ€™t get anal prolapse

@Tree I think itโ€™s the reason they arenโ€™t

They donโ€™t have one

Move the house?

I mean itโ€™s rather simple

Just move the house and all your problems are solved

Replace it

Yes ya can

Itโ€™s called splice my guy

Just splice whatโ€™s left with a new end

And wrap it with tape like a three year old who discovered super glue

So sleepy

I just got off work with 4 hours of overtime why do I do this to myself

I wish it was big money

Itโ€™s only like $16 an hour at that point

I miss my 21 an hour ot

Ight well Iโ€™m hittin the hay deuces

Before I go I just wanna say being sober sucks, but itโ€™s be worth it tbh


We still talkin about liquor right?

I ainโ€™t do none oโ€™ that shit my guy

Alright actually goin to bed now deuces fr

howdy doody everboody its kevguey

Still doin that fury shit?

Guess youโ€™ve changed

Sup mf

Who tryin to bump?

WHI TRYIN to bump



I finna bump up in here

It means fight

Now who tryin to bump

I will walk my happy ass to your door stop just to bump

Im tryin to fuckin bump

I got an itch that can only be soothed by making a stitch

Ight then

send me an addy and Iโ€™ll bump@mf

We ainโ€™t roll playing dumbass


Kinda sounds good

Ight if nonna ya tryin to bump Iโ€™m out


Wtf is a bitch lasagna



Ree ree

I believe youโ€™re thinking of your name

Itโ€™s pretty bad as is

But advertising itโ€™s a YouTube channel


Nobody but like 3 subs and youโ€™re friend even visit

@uwu clone Martha is that you?

Whoโ€™s tarries?

T series

I wouldnโ€™t call anyone that monstrosity

Who the fuck is t series

On YouTube?

@Deleted User is the furry gf a sock puppet on your left hand with whiskers drawn on it?

@โˆ†ether its a hentai discord

Bro gtfo

Just leave, youโ€™re embarrassing yourself

Nah m8

Iโ€™m in the pond right now looking for my next catch

Iโ€™m contemplating between a toad, Crawdad, worm, and minnow

Got any advice

@bananaslamma.jpg irl Loli is illegal dumbass

Not hentai Loli

Not in America


Go read a law book and educate yourself for once. Sounds like you need to earn the brain cells back

When was that said....

Iโ€™m here racking my brains and I canโ€™t seem to remember saying that

Maybe if a grab like a crochet needle

And scratch my brain like the Egyptians

Still drawing a blank

Prob waht allstar does now that heโ€™s jacked off in the sock puppet too many times

Does it stand up on its own?


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