
Discord ID: 374753648166699008

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2018-01-19 01:17:27 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

The TRIG whitepaper on masternodes is released tomorrow;.

2018-01-19 01:18:13 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

20th Jan LBRY Credits (LBC) Website launch

2018-01-19 01:18:31 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

: LBC Android Mobile App 24th Jan

2018-01-19 01:40:53 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

Nice work. good call on cdn

2018-01-19 01:40:56 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  


2018-01-19 03:02:45 UTC [BOWL COIN #wojacks]  

I've came for the memes many times

2018-01-19 14:49:41 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

i grabbed some dash and bcc this morning

2018-01-19 14:50:07 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

gonna get some library in a min

2018-01-19 14:50:25 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

also got more zcl

2018-01-19 14:51:24 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

no sry bitcoin cash

2018-01-19 14:51:54 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

im gonna sell it tho. fuck roger ver.

2018-01-19 16:08:59 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

@FullMetalFash is TEL pnd?

2018-01-19 16:58:30 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

Sweet. im with u on it bowlther

2018-01-19 17:07:20 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

Since early December SUB had a fantastic run-up. The tech finally got some recognition which bumped the price due to the high number of new traders/holders that joined the train.

Just like most of coins that have big run-ups, SUB also had a correction. This is the normal process of a crypto and it's totally necessary to have an healthy coin that could rich new highs. A correction allows to get rid of weak hand and short term investors, since they sell their tokens to medium and long term holders which are people that truly believe in the tech and are holding their tokens to 3$, 5$, 10$ or more.

The most recent news of Substratum being featured on a major TV spot will be great for mass adoption and i believe with time, SUB will reach this goal.

Beta test will be started really soon, and will be followed by the product release. So, great news are coming and we might start to see, in the next few days, an exponential grow in the price.

Like i said, I'm very optimistic for the next days and weeks, weak hands left and we seems to have a great support around 12000 satoshi.

With this said I honestly think that this is last change to see SUB at this price, we are now ready for the next run-up.

2018-01-19 17:44:13 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

ive been bullish on it before

2018-01-19 17:44:23 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  


2018-01-19 17:44:26 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

never been more bullish

2018-01-19 18:54:10 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  
2018-01-19 18:54:14 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]

2018-01-19 18:54:19 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  


2018-01-19 19:06:25 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

yea dude

2018-01-21 00:17:52 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  


2018-01-21 00:19:46 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  

The fib is a 2d representation of the bowl

2018-01-21 00:30:47 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  

Hey kid ya Like "Capri Sun" ?

2018-01-21 00:31:50 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  

should solve all this

2018-01-21 00:34:17 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  

So does it turn Based Jews normal ?

2018-01-21 00:34:50 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  


2018-01-21 00:34:56 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  


2018-01-21 00:35:27 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  

Billy once the Jews are puddles, what will you post

2018-01-21 00:37:28 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  

In the dream are there a few yentas left ?

2018-01-21 00:59:34 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  

That is Billy in paradise

2018-01-21 01:01:30 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  

Billy imagine if the yentas were organized the opposite way, you might have a better chance at slippin yer litte ldude into the yentas while you slilp and slide your way down them

2018-01-21 01:06:26 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  

Read about **Niggerdeath Hedgehogs**

2018-01-21 01:14:24 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  

hope you guys are happy

2018-01-21 01:14:51 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  


2018-01-21 01:18:18 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  

yea but I have fingers and bigger wrists . .

2018-01-21 01:19:12 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  

b a n

2018-01-21 01:31:14 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  

Pajeet Porn Periodical

2018-01-21 01:47:54 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]

2018-01-21 01:50:59 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]

2018-01-21 01:52:45 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]

2018-01-21 01:54:30 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]

2018-01-21 02:14:31 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  

If you sit in a hot tub too long is it true that you can damge your crystals

2018-01-21 02:20:54 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]

2018-01-21 03:14:38 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]

2018-01-21 04:57:00 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  
2018-01-21 04:57:11 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

@Deleted User Exchange?

2018-01-21 06:02:11 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

Good lord

2018-01-21 06:02:14 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

buy it fucking all

2018-01-21 19:24:52 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  


2018-01-21 19:32:04 UTC [BOWL COIN #general] heres my kucoin jewshill link if ur not there

2018-01-21 19:33:43 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

listen man i never said i was proud of it

2018-01-21 19:33:47 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  


2018-01-21 19:34:06 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

but right lol that was my first thought who the FUCK named this exchange

2018-01-21 19:34:39 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

its binance UI but its nicer imo

2018-01-21 19:34:58 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

some smaller coins hit it before the bigger exchanges

2018-01-21 19:35:17 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

"hey man you got any KUC shares"

2018-01-21 19:35:26 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

" N O "

2018-01-21 19:35:38 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  


2018-01-21 19:36:30 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

Cool site this website will be useful once i get my new computer

2018-01-21 19:37:40 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

sick. looks like a better alternative for sure

2018-01-21 20:06:25 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

no. that how i pronounce it as well

2018-01-21 20:06:48 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

i just think it's funny

2018-01-21 20:36:22 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

>tfw have to make monthly payments to my beautiful wife in cuckoin so she doesnt leave me ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

2018-01-21 22:00:42 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]

2018-01-21 22:36:14 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]

2018-01-21 22:38:50 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  

unrelated: if anyone's selling a desktop pc message me

2018-01-21 22:45:44 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]

2018-01-21 22:48:20 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  

chipper lil guy

2018-01-21 22:48:32 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  

chipper the niggerdeath hedghehog

2018-01-21 22:58:51 UTC [Bowl Patrol #bowlnut_gallery]  

He'll yeah

2018-01-22 04:53:33 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  


2018-01-22 04:53:51 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

kucoin is the exchange we were talking about

2018-01-22 04:54:25 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

or UFO ?

2018-01-22 05:11:31 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

sub, zcl

2018-01-22 06:03:22 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]

2018-01-22 13:14:00 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

fug dude

2018-01-22 13:14:46 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

i am really biased towards sub

2018-01-22 13:15:18 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

majority of my money is in it

2018-01-22 13:16:30 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

they are about to release a working beta

2018-01-22 13:16:46 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

probably before march

2018-01-22 13:16:53 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

when the beta comes out

2018-01-22 13:17:01 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

so will the marketing for the alpha

2018-01-22 13:17:16 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

which is supposedly gonna be a pretty cool vid

2018-01-22 13:17:40 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

up until now the marketing has just been the ugly old developers nering out on cam

2018-01-22 13:18:05 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

the advertising will be for the actual product that they are gonna be done with soon

2018-01-22 13:18:58 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

in my mind people are so sick of p&d alts, coins that have retarded prices and their movements make little to no sense

2018-01-22 13:19:32 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

trying to distinguish between fud, lies, and actual value is simply very difficult for a lot of people, i think

2018-01-22 13:20:30 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

so when they hear that Sub has an actual fucking thing it will ease some anxiety

2018-01-22 13:20:35 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

few more things

2018-01-22 13:20:43 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

keep in mind, i am biased af

2018-01-22 13:20:52 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

1 sec

2018-01-22 13:22:03 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]

2018-01-22 13:22:07 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]

2018-01-22 13:22:19 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

this was just now actually

2018-01-22 13:22:52 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

and don't get me wrong i thiink macafee is probably a slimy piece of shit

2018-01-22 13:23:10 UTC [BOWL COIN #general]  

but he is right, & he wouldn't say this if it was gonna make him look like a stupid cunt in 2 weeks

1,072 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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