Donaldus Triumphus

Discord ID: 279425246690279424

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yes he is

pretty sure his account got rekt tho

@Slinthn Welcome my m8

hows your day

oh nice m8, welcome to right wing paradise

Welcome my m8, if you want to get promoted, recruit more badass republicans

kind of a mix

we just accept republicans/conservatives

M8 feel free to invite your republican friends

and um



Who invited you?

Oh nice

promoted m8

@Clarky Welcome my m8

welcome to Right Wing paradise xD

You're safe from California

If you want to get promoted to a more badass rank, just recruit people. Its in welcome republicans info

yeh m8


no clue what it is

10/10 site

eh got taken care of

hello there fellow Americans

who did you invite?



oh him?

I thought Gabe invited him :L

@everyone New rank has been introduced, known as โ”โ•คใƒ‡โ•ฆ๏ธป(โ–€ฬฟฬฟฤนฬฏฬฟฬฟโ–€ฬฟ ฬฟ)CONFEDERATEๅ‡ธ( โ€ขฬ€_โ€ขฬ )ๅ‡ธโ–„๏ธปฬทฬฟโ”ปฬฟโ•โ”ไธ€. The CONFEDERATE rank is only given to those who own Republican-Base servers with at least 30 MEMBERS. If you own a Republican Server with up to 30 members, let me know in DMs!

w0w congratz m8

do you like the new rank lol

damn right m8

so which one invited him


any of you know which one was clicked on first? xD

he did, temporaily

Usually it always ends out in him unblocking me after realizing it was a fuck up

eh Ill give Gabe a rank up for effort

I feel bad for him being at the lowest rank

Btw Rinnables, its 3 recruits for Trump Supporter so Ill mark it as 1

yeh I saw that

btw from now on, if you recruit somebody lets talk about it in a DM

kinda weird to do it on the server

um idk

hes in my friends list

hes on ur friends list but ye

Thats a Hillary Clinton Quote lol

<@287429524445200386> welcome m8

@Deleted User Oh you actually came? xd

so ur Republican? Thats great news

hey m8


that was intense


I have the server on discord so

could be random people

like discord server lists

eh, some people are just from websites so


disboard, and

Jesus m8, all that p0rn was intense

I disabled the ability to post images for conservative and american rank

Btw m8

How many people did u recruit

no that was me actually

yeh m8?

want some bacon?

Does it involve politics?



@Kai Welcome my m8

to rightwing paradise

You just need to be conservative

although a true patriotic republican would be a trump supporter

I have no clue

It means something that will get you on the FBI watchlist xD

some guy came in and spammed a bunch of pornography

he got banned so

hey how you doing Ren

good m8

Dont see you on a lot anymore

idk if thats just me

good lol

so ur Republican?


if you know any republicans, recruit em

read the welcome republicans for info on promotion

Gabes invited an ass ton of people


oh yeh sure m8

gud nuff

paradise isnt it

*plot twist*

everyone does

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