
Discord ID: 200026025583837184

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I think my vc is having issues

Grumpy cat passed away

Like actually passed away

Sad days


That new Snapchat filter tho lmao

The sims 4 is free for 6 more hours. You just gotta add it to your wishlist, then buy it from said wishlist and boom, itโ€™s yours.

Iโ€™m not a bot tho



Thanks lmao



I know a phrase you donโ€™t know


Is that John HentaiHaven?

Guys, itโ€™s the *real* John HentaiHaven

Noino chan

I wanna know


She just got done playing Undertale and wanted to see what happened at the end in real life

Iโ€™d like to play my *fast-forward a month* card please


Iโ€™ve seen a really tan girl once in hentai

Anyone getting that new sword and shield game?

Thatโ€™s hot

Since theyโ€™re partnered, on the Fakku website

Real spongebob hours

I once nut so hard, it destroyed the panzer tank in my back yard


Anyone got Mario Maker 2?

**My dick** *smaller*

Thanks **ecks dee**

Shantae *cool and* __good__




||yes and no||


I feel like thatโ€™s what my browser looks like when loading up the millionth google chrome tab I opened with my auto clicker

Goku no zero

Sounds like a ||*personal pandemic*||

I wanna be a *real* boy

A **real** boy


Youโ€™re right. *Girls are pretty gay*

Itโ€™s not gay if youโ€™re **wearing** **__socks__**

Is bae

Youโ€™re now going to lose subscriber

Violence? Nah, people donโ€™t do that. Thatโ€™s illegal


I didnโ€™t know the general chat could be so quiet

Dude, thatโ€™s so hot

Lemme get that pelvis ***boneless***

Was it your name that threw you off?



Iโ€™m sorry, could you repeat that? Did you say you wanted a ๐Ÿ…ฑenis **boneless**?

That was a pretty good video, ngl

You know, itโ€™s weird some people donโ€™t know the difference between โ€œyuโ€™rโ€ and โ€œureโ€

Youer and yuer

Uer, yuor, and uโ€™yer


*megalovania intensifies*



Over there

Right there

Itโ€™s past all the dildos and gym socks

Yeah. Itโ€™s over there

Remember when Battlefield was good?

Tetris battle royale

Nah. GTA RP best game

Bruh, gta rp tho

Dude, I agree

You know, when a ban happens, I feel like Iโ€™m sitting in a classroom, when suddenly the teacher pulls out a gun and shoots one of the students, the bullet whizzing just past my head. Screwed up thought, but itโ€™s always like โ€œwoahโ€





Tiny boobs giant tits history. A classic

Hereโ€™s the end of that story:

*It goes nowhere*

Whatโ€™s the word on the general?


Hello, world

You said โ€œdrop sexโ€ and it made me think of that โ€œdrop itโ€ song

Hello, fellow human

*I wanna be* **Dirty Dan.**

That moment someone spoils the end of X-files to Area 51 and they decide to still shoot anyway

Mangos are fruit

Watermelons are nice too

Melons, on the other hand, not really my thing

In other news, cashews are the best

Reality is often disappointing

That way, you feel better about yourself. Like drinking when youโ€™re underaged

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