
Discord ID: 297798464367230986

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Am i the only one getting an error in the site?

I'm just hoping my browser is retarded

Oh ok

It's a nice message to say that friends are that precious and such
But sudden powerups are illogical lol

But you know......magic


I don't think it's cringy tho

But if it wasn't for the differences of tastes then everything will be the same so it's cool

I love the story the most

I watch it for the plot

Even though they killed me

Wait spoilers

And Erza's fights are the best

I didn't even watch it tho

Gimme some recommendations

Gintama gets boring at some point before it gets epic again so I've been there

Oh ok

Take Care

That's good i hate how little ones end quickly

See ya

It still wouldn't access on mine so ig I'll wait until they get the servers ready to take the load

I wonder how much they'd need to serve all those devices across the globe

The loli tag is like a taboo even among the lewds so yea

Let's not talk about whether it's child or not lol

Point is it's a taboo regardless and branded as pedophile acts

You just gotta wait until society accepts it just like the gays and trans

Long story short
Regardless of what it is the laws and society brand it as child pornography
That's why it's tough to keep it going
It's their country and their rules

I don't think it's nice to hate on him instead of making him understand lol

Oh yea forgot the adult law crap

I've been watching bad stuff ever since i was 14 too

Good times

True true @madcat

I feel old lol

Society used to burn gays someday

Won't be surprising to accept lolicons at some point

Idc anyways so yea

36 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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