
Discord ID: 150554113963196416

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Imagine being staff on a hentai haven discord

Aww fuck

Mom be bullying me

You have 15 seconds to change it @eeeh

Forever lime green

But can you spell

Yes mods pls ban

Racism against jars is bad

Jar lids matter too

Hes taking away your privilege


Except the nsfw mods, they sucked off the regular mods enough times that the mod transferred

banana dunce

vince smh

If you keep the same pfp, it's easier

big rip

I change my pfp every so ofter

albeit, I only change my hat

what's the next holiday?

easter was a while ago already

tf is that

only the finest of gamers

I feel ya boat

what about america day

alright boiz, I have a month and a half to change my hat

let's not forget like how I did with boys day

We always babysit ducc

You can in dms but if youre sending it indiscriminately using the hh user list then no

Oi is that a stalon i saw

Probs cant afford the unban

Oh people can see the circle jerk chan?

But that electromagnetics though

Puungi plays osu so he cant be best mod

Lol rip

And when are you banning nan

Send you what?

Ive got my ffxiv sub to pay for

Sup mom

Just dying at work like usual

Hold up

I said we already babysit ducc

Ill never accept responsibilities

But yeah long hours

Worked overtime for the last two months or so

Yeah i get paid for it

Can i get some rando to buy me glamors on ffxiv

Im not big boi mod

Thats probs why

Paws bought me that bird dating sim game <:thinkingdie:304069382831734784>


The elvish is coming out

Oh nvm

The same as ever

Paws gifted me a game and hes still a furry to me

Whats egg rice

Is that the one where u mix in the egg with it and cook it

Ah gotcha

What if u mix curry with chili

That sounds bad

Bitch from hawaii?

What island u fam?


Im from the bigisland too. Tho im in la now

obligatory nan = ban

Yeah im in LA paying too much for rent

Yeah canada has fake bacon. Thats already enough of a reason to not live there.

Implying america isnt the world smh

I think bacon is called streaky bacon or smth in britain?

Oh, i did put bacon bits on my hawaiian style curry last night. Ngl it was pretty good.

Curry does go with anything i guess

Im tits guy

I never got on that ass bandwagon

And no rank yet

I am disappointed

Ngl it took me two years to get blue


Wow mom, im disappointed

Paws big bulli

Banana has the poor people feeling

wtf is irish american civil war music

Press F to pay respects


Not working overtime this week ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

feels good

No mods on

Its party time

Pan no

163 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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