
Discord ID: 407515423827951627

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Hentaiheaven is my Life

Ups ๐Ÿ˜‚


Euphoria is good

I dont want nudes

I want my hentai comic

I want Euphoria


@Whiskey and a thicc ass is should be leaved behind

*shouldnt i hate my autocorrect


Good evening

Wtf us going on

Wassup schlenkrat

So guys what did i miss

@Ansley <:ye:625947926115647504>

Behold. They want to fuck u not want to be fucked

@Schlenkrat meeh it goes very well school is making dumb decissions as always

I and playd smash again and boi i hate this game cuz i love this game

@Espen u go to partys?

Isnt corona stopping u?

Wait...this is illegal

@Quisquoses yes my lord

Actually i have a question

Sry sry

My wifi sucks

I wanted to ask if hachi got banned

Did he changed his Name?

Cuz i cant find him on the list


So hachi is still there

Sadly good i think

I dont suck cocks

I am no gay

Kai said he wants u


But since when color change?

Hahaha. No

Chat dead or wifi sucks?

Ok thx

@Ansley wassup duck

@Hachiman is this a refrence of me?

When i changed my name for Schutz and stupid ass retards thought i was an alt?<:ye:625947926115647504> <:ye:625947926115647504>

Damm i will never change my name again i swear

@Fade its a dream thats never gonna be happen๐Ÿ˜ซ <:SadPengu:676207925508964352>

There is nothing u cant do

I whish furry is banned

I mean

If i would see a furry. He would be on fire


@Tree is love real?


Since when is general chat so dark?

Wassup fappers

How is youre day

@Lovell Understandable

Wait they do?

Hey ya all

Hows it going?

Hello gamers...or fappers...or hachiman

What did i miss

It seems that the chat is ded

Damm i wanted to trigge people with the truth

Yes. The truth


Hey ya all


Dont mind me i just changed my name to a dead meme

Chat is alive i guess

Now its death again

Who is a dick?

No dicks here . Only cocks

Sup ya all

Wait need change name back


> Sup a guy with edgy pfp
@Shark its not edgy

Ok dude

We can discuss this

But the chance that i will win this disscussio is high


I just want to lvl up

> >joining this server because who like hentie xDddDDDD
@madcat well i did

> I joined because the other nsfw server I was in banned me because they don't know thicc when they see it
@n00b Same here

I got baned in Faphole for Autism cuz i Posted a loli mene


Ok one thing to make clear off

Futas are gay traps not


I still got boob pics from my ex

What do u get if u cross a mentally ill loner with society who abonded him and treats him like trash?

I'll tell you what you get

U get what you fucking deserve


> @DarkBurak a weeb
@Nanbingyang well i am a weeb

Cuz i like hentais

I dont have ego

Ok....good for u ...and?

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