Kely (✿ ◕‿◕) ♡

Discord ID: 122824436532510721

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Everyone's favorite non toxic member is back!

Damn I gotta be white

Imagine being a virgin

@Blusky it be like that

She be sucking my shit dry and don't stop after the nut

The one and only

Howdy pardner 🤠

@veenus during the sex scenes?

The product of incest

It's been a minute

Howdy pardner 🤠

Yeah, sucks I lost my levels tho

Still no fakku x hh merch

Bought the one plus 7 pro on release this phone is amazing

Highly suggest

What would be an irl QuickTime event?

Not if you a bitch it aint, discord meet ups ain't bad I've gotten laid from discord how bad could it actually be? @Riesenwal @bananaslamma.jpg

If you ever bought and sold on offer up or Craigslist youve met far worse than some dude on discord

Egirl sex was aight

Cause it's lit

If anyone going to ax this year catch me there ✌️

Elo hell is just a phrase used by shitters who can't climb cause they blame their team 😂

Blue balled or get your red wings choose one

I got the worse case of blue balls cause she was on her period

Idk if it was worth it

No eyes or perma blue balled

@bananaslamma.jpg mint is natural mosquito repellent

Just get mint extract and put some on your temples and a bit on your wrist and neck and you'll be set

Essential oils and vitamins are fucking lit literally buff you irl

Bruh let a mosquito get in my face mf catching hands

I ain't slappingn o mosquito I'm deadass throwing hands

Oh all bugs die with dish soap

Put sme water and Dawn dish soap in a spray bottle you have home made raid

At work I had a spider egg hatch while operating a rollercoaster @bananaslamma.jpg

You don't know fear till you surrounded by an army of baby spiders

I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy

@bananaslamma.jpg people with lice have to wash their hair with mouthwash

They can be underwater for weeks

Mouthwash drowns them

fuck boys only like you if you cute

Got steak hoe? Got cheese?

Would be pretty sad to get active in a week

You gotta really be on discord grinding levels

Hh has a discord?

this music wack bruh


Next to talk is alpha virgin

This is when you develop a drug/alcohol problem cause work is hard

Zonic if I go unconscious do not resusitate me with your mouth

You call it a want a time I call it 5-10k a month


ill beat that n word up dont test me fam

the sun will catch these hands

dry heat > humid

imagine not having an ac damn i love being privileged

im sure hell aint even that bad, scientist gotta have AC going full blast

rain can fuck its self too

if you like rain, you aint driving in it

@Vruh its better when its toxic, but you got grade A virgins watching like a hawk waiting for one slip up smh. thats why everyone in vc

vc toxic af

@Mr.bones it goes by word of mouth if you go and scream the N word and mic spam you can get away with it but if you tell someone they will most likely just join the channel where the person causing the problem either left or starts to behave

stay highdrated

@bing bong this guy dont even know how to spell

**HIGH**drated 😎

@Marv I now know you're a virgin, no girls use Xbox lol

Tmw he took being called a virgin serious

fucken nerds

@!Boat haven't played been working

@!Boat I got alot of explaining to do to my girlfriend then

@!Boat my girl would beat yo girls ass

My black Nubian queen lemmi get a taste of chocolate

Talk shit but this man was maximum OC

@Mr. Colourblind maybe she didint get the text? Maybe she don't know how to respond maybe I should change the topic?

That's typically what goes through the head of double texting

@Mr. Colourblind that's beside the point point is don't double text it's a trap

I'm just trying to spread knowledge

It really ain't

Tell that to the n word texting my gf even tho he deadass getting ghosted dude can't catch a hint to save they life

Double texting ain't common knowledge shiiii I wish it was

It's awkward af

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