
Discord ID: 400921009940594690

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Orwellian style



@Rare true

I can add myself to the list of rape victims ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Take that liberals


@gaz I want you no homo


@Vitric so what did you do?

@Kaya Ur bad

I am confused


@gaz btw one solution to my problem is to go into guided living

But that is extreme

Wow why would I want revenge @gaz

@Vitric doesn't matter what time it is tho

Harassment is harassment

Our Adolf

Onze Adolf

Yare yare

So what's going on boys

What the heck

Anyone here watched GoT?

That's sad @Hisoka

Game of Thrones is a good series

@Hisoka why the hostility?

@>w< I'm not

@Hisoka toxic child.

@Deleted User it certainly is

The world



Big sad

@Mom hi mom

Remember Quis the Trap?

That's meh

I'm sad now

No one remember me

@Riesenwal I have been in this server for a couple months and I left a while back



Are there new masters of Hentai?

Before there was only sheep

Back when I left at least



Ah it's because of the pink roles from before.

I'm confuse

Anyone have good recommendations for online clothing stores?

I need recommendations

@Shiro Shiro please tell me you remember me

Otherwise I big sad

If I ask for nudes I can be branded as a pedo so no thanks ๐Ÿ‘Œ

@Shiro Quis, Lvl ... Trap

@Shiro yeee I have returned

Hello Kuda

@ur mom gae still busy. English teacher you know

Internships for days

I need to find a place to live with my gf still @ur mom gae

I'm still searching at least @ur mom gae


@ur mom gae yeah I'm gonna talk to her tomorrow to sort stuff out.

I want an apartment before the end of the summer holidays at least @ur mom gae

I have 99 days

Of holidays

@ur mom gae thank you. When I get the apartment I'll make pictures and send them

Gn Mun

If I can remember at least @ur mom gae

I'll put it on my don't forget list

Love is in the air

So let's polute the air with deadly chemicals





Tyler1 has grand autismo


Doctor eggmans wife be looking fly


They shouldn't be @EroticusGastritus

I just realised it's likely that 50 percent of people here are most likely underage

@Hisoka I am -0.1

9 year old army

@Mom why would you want that

White is not right in this case

Send nudes bb @Hisoka

Pokรฉmon are my fetish

@Hisoka gaynal

On a real note my fetish is stroking a girl's back

@Riesenwal don't be so hostile

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