Yes-Tesla Covek (Flugel)

Discord ID: 327580664780161026

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Interestingly enough, the government over here in Serbia is a Right-Wing Populist one.

At least that is what wikipedia says, i feel its more of an Oligarchy if not straight up a dictatorship.

And Right Wing Populism? Our dear president (prime minister at the time) said that he would help the refugees

Doesn't sound very right wing does it hmmmmmmm

Trust me, there is much greater thievery than Taxation going on in our state.

Placing of goons at the head of the ministries where they listen to every word our president says. Violent Shutdown of free speech of those who speak up against the government, violent shutdown of free speech in general now that i think about it.

Rampant corruption.

I'm mostly influenced by the sad state our country is in.

You see, our country's current government, Serbian Progressive Party, Has been involved in numerous Blunders and Corruption Scandals. Most famous of which is "Beograd na vodi" Literally Belgrade on water.

or Belgrade Waterfront as its most commonly known among non-serbs

Millions of Dollars (Therefore hundreds of Millions of serbian Dinars) of taxpayers money was used in the construction of a project that never reached what it promised. the resulting apartments that were built could only be afforded by Millionaires and up. All this money from the back-breaking work of Citizens whose average pay is around 300 euros, or around 35 000 serbian dinars

and these grand projects only serve to fill the pockets of our politicians, and foreign investors and businessmen

keyword here being foreign

in a separate case, When a group of Highschoolers protested the government, (peacefully mind you) a government that arrested a highschooler. they made 18. more arrests when a group of his classmates and schoolmates, marched to protest.

Sound Familiar?

On another separate case, they forcefully removed a director of one school simply because he was popular, never mind the fact that he brought the school in question *To Working order*

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