Opuntia engelmannii

Discord ID: 229654870980820993

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broke urbanite here

i'm just trying to fuel my paranoid schizophrenia


i've been talking to a prof who's like, linkola-adjacent philosphically

really cool guy, unfortunately very very old and difficult to maintain a conversation with

he doesn't mentor grad students anymore

nope why?

not anymore

ive been doing castration + pregnant mare urine since i started prepping

has a high estrogen content

i think some estrogen supplementary medicines are made from mare urine

but usually its synthesized

CEEs are available in the form of both natural preparations manufactured from the urine of pregnant mares and fully synthetic replications of the natural preparations.[7][8]

urine is sterile btw

have you guys heard of dougal dixon-ism

it's a transhumanist/deep eco fusion ideology i invented

basically we gotta engineer ourselves back into ape-men that can survive in the wilderness more easily than humans, with reduced intelligence to insure we don't industrialize again. it's the premise of a vividly illustrated science fiction book



my actual ideology isn't exactly aligned with this though

i think we should revert most of the population to mesolithic hunter gatherers who survive off cockles

i thought you guys liked deep eco

๐Ÿ›‘ no fun allowed ๐Ÿ›‘

so what are yall's long term food supply plans

i'll stop i just thought it was funny ya'll got so distressed by some tranny pee memes, thought this was a channer server

i feel like agriculture is gonna be difficult in the long term

yeah im an e girl what about it

Did you guys know there's an *Opuntia* species that has a trunk like a tree?

only in the galapagos tho

i've been talking to too many bpd e girls and its doing something to my sense of humor

borderline personality disorder

wow we have a girl in here? 0_o

white girls fuck dogs

i know a lot of channer women

theyre an interesting species

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