
Discord ID: 219983812287791104

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2020-03-23 21:16:46 UTC [The Donald #general]  

I have two questions:

A: Why does no one post on the reddit anymore?

B: I've tried to go to multiple times, but I only ever get a result that the DNS lookup couldn't find it. what's going on?

2020-03-23 21:18:51 UTC [The Donald #general]  

huh, tried to reach at home and at work, and both get DNS lookup issues..... Thanks anyway.

2020-03-23 21:21:30 UTC [The Donald #general]  

that works. I wonder if Charter is refusing to propagate the DNS for the site.

2020-03-23 21:59:07 UTC [The Donald #serious]  

ROFL, I remember when Everyone know about lemonparty too. wonder if harlequin fetus or tubgirl would get people nowadays too.

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