
Discord ID: 457045388315066369

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2020-03-19 04:11:29 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

My 19 year old hapa hand

2020-03-19 04:12:12 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

as you can see, i have construction hands

2020-03-19 04:12:55 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

whats tldr

2020-03-19 04:13:52 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

@Sean saved

2020-03-19 04:14:58 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

i think the first step to reveolting is not being fat

2020-03-19 04:15:11 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

i believe thats a good start

2020-03-19 04:16:39 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

im doing nofap, but it's hard as a hormonal youngster

2020-03-19 04:17:31 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

i reward myself by allowing myself to buy stuff for every week i go without yanking it

2020-03-19 04:18:41 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

thats how it was for me for months

2020-03-19 04:19:44 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

donno i don't work out, i just carry packs emt pipe on my shoulders

2020-03-19 04:21:07 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

im a zoomer doomer that feels like a boomer, but is trying to become a facist bloomer

2020-03-19 04:21:29 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  


2020-03-19 04:22:15 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

>frens joining up j.peg

2020-03-19 04:22:41 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

anyone else own a boom stick

2020-03-19 04:23:15 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

heriloom you say

2020-03-19 04:23:22 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

how so?

2020-03-19 04:24:18 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

i always thought about mosins but never got one

2020-03-19 04:24:27 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

i know they're supper cheap

2020-03-19 04:24:55 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

wholesome j.peg

2020-03-19 04:25:35 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

that's unfortunate

2020-03-19 04:25:52 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

@Ann Hiro post pic pls

2020-03-19 04:26:12 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

grassy ass cumpandre

2020-03-19 04:26:55 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

bruh you just made my relapse ann

2020-03-19 04:27:18 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

why you gotta take such a good pic

2020-03-19 04:28:43 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

learn how to box

2020-03-19 04:32:00 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

the poor japanese, if only they played their cards right

2020-03-19 04:34:03 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

should imperial japan be resurected

2020-03-19 04:37:30 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

how are these the same species?

2020-03-19 04:37:35 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]

2020-03-19 04:38:16 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

the guy on the bottom simps japans women to fat weebs i think

2020-03-19 04:42:46 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

absolutely based

2020-03-19 04:43:07 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

can we one day be the group frens?

2020-03-19 04:44:32 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

i just finished the first page of the doctrine and i can already see similar ideas with Yukio in this paragraph

2020-03-19 04:45:02 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

a higher meaning beyond ones selfish momentary pleasures

2020-03-19 05:30:47 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

Never before have the peoples thirsted for authority, direction, order, as they do now. If each age has its doctrine, then innumerable symptoms indicate that the doctrine of our age is the Fascist. That it is vital is shown by the fact that it has aroused a faith; that this faith has conquered souls is shown by the fact that Fascism can point to its fallen heroes and its martyrs

2020-03-19 05:31:44 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

^ this applies to today

2020-03-19 05:32:47 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  


2020-03-19 05:33:14 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

i kind of read half the doctrine aloud

2020-03-19 05:33:22 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  


2020-03-19 05:33:33 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

the first one at least

2020-03-19 05:34:20 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

i felt aggresively inspired

2020-03-19 05:34:26 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  


2020-03-19 05:43:14 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

should we supplant the ones who control us

2020-03-19 05:52:05 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

it seems the facist way of thinking is the best way of thinking to live a full life

2020-03-19 05:53:32 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

you must learn and accept the reality of the world, to know truth, no matter how harsh

2020-03-19 05:54:34 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

one must live for the world, not for themselves

2020-03-19 05:58:15 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

so much to learn

2020-03-19 06:00:15 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

should i read the communist manifesto and mein khampf

2020-03-19 20:21:11 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

guys are we gonna boogaloo for the boogaflu

2020-03-19 21:09:21 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  


2020-03-19 23:47:58 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

simp for the gov

2020-03-19 23:53:00 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

the gov says simiping is "kingshit"

2020-03-20 02:05:48 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

i want to annex africa

2020-03-20 02:05:58 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

all for myself

2020-03-20 02:51:28 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

hey would you guys ever do a meetup

2020-03-20 02:51:52 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

why not

2020-03-20 02:54:23 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

aaaah shat ap goyim, i want to destroy eur.... uh uh i mean the jews too

2020-03-20 02:57:51 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

yes brug

2020-03-20 02:58:02 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

i am ug

2020-03-20 02:58:18 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

butt where is elder

2020-03-20 02:58:39 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

elder hide from ug, ug don't no where to hit

2020-03-20 02:59:15 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

big rocktico or small rocktico

2020-03-20 03:00:29 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

what do with rock

2020-03-20 03:01:40 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

ok be at rock by half moon

2020-03-20 03:01:59 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  


2020-03-20 03:02:03 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

it is time

2020-03-20 03:04:52 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

we need to destroy these people

2020-03-20 03:06:38 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

what brug and ug do when club all elder <:grug:681710102000173180>

2020-03-20 03:12:23 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

would you materialism helped destroy community

2020-03-20 03:21:33 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  


2020-03-20 03:21:53 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

i wish sig was back

2020-03-20 03:51:20 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]

2020-03-20 03:51:42 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

9mm and 556

2020-03-20 03:52:56 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

i wish i could have a fnx 45 and a 5.45 x 39 ar15, but ammo would be hard to find in the boogaloo

2020-03-20 03:54:57 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

whats ur dream carbine

2020-03-20 04:07:17 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  


2020-03-21 17:39:25 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

ok boomer

2020-03-21 17:39:34 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

ok boomer

2020-03-21 17:39:45 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  


2020-03-21 17:39:47 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  


2020-03-21 17:39:48 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  


2020-03-21 17:39:50 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  


2020-03-21 17:39:51 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  


2020-03-21 17:39:52 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  


2020-03-21 17:39:58 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  


2020-03-21 17:40:34 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

just fly it away

2020-03-21 17:40:54 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

and launch a strike on washington dc

2020-03-21 23:47:41 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

me when your mom bends over and exposes her ripe fatass cheeks

2020-03-22 00:27:20 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

fuck that ghost

2020-03-22 00:27:37 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  


2020-03-22 06:11:03 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

dick flattening is a thing

2020-03-22 06:11:41 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  


2020-03-22 06:58:59 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  


2020-03-28 20:41:19 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

i just wasted my time and completed doom eternal

2020-03-28 20:42:30 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

are there any other servers like this one

2020-03-28 20:57:05 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

warhammer does seem pretty based

2020-03-28 21:02:23 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

I really like the lore involved

2020-03-28 22:16:08 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

i need a tribe

677 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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