
Discord ID: 342581077056946186

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white women

fucking coomers

who the fuck pee's from their arse

fuck no

I am proper Iranian lad

leave the tacos and burritos alone

mexican food is delicious. I love chili com carne man

you got weak arses man

greta mogged trump

arent we all?

lets be honest autism has never been this high in our societies

but it is clear as day that more and more people are unable to live independently

either its vaccines or cartoons that make people retarded

fuck southpark seriously

they think they are in touch with reality but all they do is follow the latest trend that were due months ago

i got one as an infant as well but i dont think thats the issue. Anime had a much worse impact on me.

yeah well 19 years is kinda long thats when it started going downhill for me

my brain suddendly shut down and i got anxiety and shit

yeah had i not done so much anime i wouldnt have become such an introvert

the government isnt transparent at all there is so much corruption going on

wont happen

the cleanest governments is unrionically central and north europa

how can you be free when the NSA is contantly monotoring you. You guys are like China except China tells what they do.


USA constantly keeps meddling in foreign affairs when there is oil. HK doesnt have it so no direct support but all the middle east shit they cant wait to bomb.

why are big companies sucking China though because capitalism.

its because the west dont care about their local market and customers

because it doesnt make them money

china isnt the right side though

they just want money

@Pelth lay down the edge mate


lmao Trump supports Erdogan of course he aint saying shit about XI when it comes to HK

there wont be any war between US and China

@Pelth you low iq moron who can't understand the current narrative

this is just economic unrest

only if a dem gets elected

nukes nowadays are way too harmful you can't even do a proper war without turning everything into ashes. wars now mostly are through the influence of the media and commercials

they lost against Vietnam not China

north korea isnt china and they werent actively taking part on that

all it did was kill 2 million koreans

and seperate their country in two

the biggest mistake is forcing multicultarism and globalism in every country that will be the end of us

I feel bad for California it used to be such a good state now it turned into a literal shithole the size of Japan

nah fuck em

everyone knows its MIGA first but they dont wanna say it

expand their land

honestly its a shit trade off

the kurds fought most of the dirty battles for them

the kurds will turn into rebells watch it go down to shitters again

most countries are pretty tired of US politics to be honest

Also constantly spreading individualism, celebrity culture, other degenerate trends is just too much and forcing it on others saying if you dont comply you are against freedom is horseshit.

they just nuke it

they won't spend time in jungles or mountains we saw how it worked for them last time even deserts

with drones and shit they can easily bomb their targets

there is no pride in that place. they all are on each others throat. also their multicultural government is a complete shambles because deep down each person has their own subconscious agenda they want to push

France won against the Brits

Us spend most of that time fleeing

yeah and if US didnt got help from Spain and France

Scandinavians get paid to go to school

500 euro a month yes

nobody uses Fahrenheit

is living in norway boring?

norway girls aint easy to get though

Americans have this misconception thinking Europeans are all super kind

Most European teens act like slavs

yeah and those not so wealthy act like slav and gangsters

snobbish Europeans are so fucking annoying

unironically americans are the most kind on average

whats the demographic in norway? how many natives compared to foreign locals?

foreigners mostly live in the capital

europeans dont do trailer parks lmao

thats redneck shit

so you are an asian living in Europe?


i thought you said was Korean

so are you guys racist towards muslims and shit?

because they get looked down to

if you are a foreigner living in another country you will never to be able to truly assimilate

have you grown up with foreigners during your school time?

dont they usually get isolated by their peers?

kinda surprising

arent most shootings in Norway done by whites?

wasnt there one last month?

whats the most popular sport there?


Europeans love soccer

but norway sucks unlike sweden

they actually compete in the world stage


because you guys got the terrain to do so. is banking the most prolific job in norway ?

cheers mate

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