Italiano Primo

Discord ID: 499298149966413856

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But is she legal doe



>lib left

Gay frogs

Imagine a porn tax


About time we hanged someone

transgender = mental disorder ngl


America is superior


Is this server always like this

Is there any actual debating

In a civilized manor

Neo-Fascists are dumb asses

And itโ€™s basically Nazism but downgraded


Neo-Fascism = Fascism had sex with Nazism

I canโ€™t

I agree lmao

The fascist system is pretty Good Ngl. But it would be impossible and retarded in modern day society

I just finished reading the Doctrine of Fascism

Down syndrome

@AngloAmericanGod I swear Iโ€™ve seen your User in another server before

Lib left

Age: 16, Timezone: US central, Country: UnitedStates (Italy in the summer), Experience: Chairman of our High School Student Republicans Club.

Itโ€™s 1:24AM I need sleep

No itโ€™s h

cock oโ€™ clock

About time we had a hanging

Hee heil


<:angrynpc:583668959232917522> but thatโ€™s degenerate towards women reeeeee

-8ball will I ever find love again

-8ball can I rape kids legally

Purple Lib Right

-8ball sex?

-8ball threesome with @Cadavaresk


<:1010:591246312863956992> nice cock bro

No homo

Itโ€™s okay Iโ€™m wearing socks

I beg to differ

My tan Italian stalian cock overrides yours


Emojis turn kids gay

My cock was hand crafted in the hills of Italy by Benito Mussolini himself


My vagina is larger than yours tho

Itโ€™s smelly too

Never wash

Itโ€™s covered in a crusty glaze of sperm


But we can all agree on one thing

Stiffyโ€™s cock is the best of all

-8ball mirror mirror on the wall, whoโ€™s cock is the greatest of them all

About time

Iโ€™m 16

About time we had a town Hanging

All in favor of hanging @Cadavaresk

Jesus is bigger than them all


I cum ant hills

I cum **IN** ant hills

I cum inside 3 year olds during piano practice


Good minority

the republic is forever

-8ball are women property

you heard the man

What is my pfp and who is in it

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