
Discord ID: 629123945362227222

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Hey guys daily reminder that it is not good to be a cunt

How is everybody

Thatโ€™s rude af lol

What did I ever do to you @John Brook

Yeah without her youโ€™re nothing I donโ€™t like this guy

He bullied me too

For no reason

No, bully

Who is in your profile picture? @John Brook

Whoโ€™s that

David Myatt is a good guy too

Not many have

Do you mean like the messiah as in Jesus

Or someone else

Weird lol, swiftly moving on

That guy heโ€™s kinda weird idk

Bro is there is something Iโ€™m missing here lol

Like legit now

Some site

I looked up politic servers

I joined a couple

Uhh because I want to discuss politics

Dude I can send you the link

To the site

I meant to type reaper

And idk how to change name

Dude I just got discord today idk

Iโ€™m leaving this server tbh everyone else is much nicer

Why are you such a cunt @pompompiggy

What have I done to you ?

What how

Bro I literally just joined and youโ€™re accusing me of stuff I have no clue on

Iโ€™ll leave if you want me to leave so bad jeez

I never spammed

Dude whatโ€™s your problem

Deep web isnโ€™t scary

Not really

You keep accusing me of being this astro guy

No itโ€™s not

If you donโ€™t go around like a stupid little kid trying to click on everything

And looking for scary stupid shit thatโ€™s mostly fake

Itโ€™s not scary

Heโ€™s numb to it all dude

Haha you guys are literally fucked in the head I hope Jesus saves you

I would

Iโ€™d rather watch a dog burn than a human

How come tho

Theyโ€™re just animals

Theyโ€™re just some dumb animals

If u say so

What if itโ€™s a random dog on the street that tries attack you

And donโ€™t you ever sometimes want to boot animals. One time my friend picked up a cat and swung it by its tail to me and I booted it

Yes sir

Theistic ones like me do

But most โ€œsatanistsโ€ are atheistic

And donโ€™t actually believe Satan is an actual entity

Yeah well I practice something called the left hand path

It is literally derived from Buddhism

@Alexstrasza Buddha isnโ€™t worshipped ๐Ÿคก

Jesus was the son of a prostitute

Prove Mary was a virgin someone

Your mother

@pompompiggy go back to Pakistan

Self hating Asian

Trying to impress white peopoe

Weโ€™re not fooled yellow Simpson

Weโ€™re still not gonna accept you

Hello world ๐Ÿ˜„


Iโ€™m suspicious that you have a fat cock @HM - King of UK + Commonwealth ๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿฅต

My head

82 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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