
Discord ID: 269489610252484611

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bernie for president

black people have taller penis than whites

and this is fact

what about armenian genocide

bot is an armenian

nato is a totally trash

asians are more imperialist than united states


do you all want to hear something weird?

while leftists in europe and usa are pro-refugee, leftists in turkey are against refugees


vibbie where are you from?

turkey ?????

its a lie

if brits annex india pollition disappear

please stop talking about climate

and pollution

lets talk syria

white = homo sapiens

black = homo sapiens

fascist idiot

you are fascist

go away nazi

valeriaa speak truth

you are idiot ?

go gulag

please dont eat fast food

please eat broccoli

if you want see fat peoples

come turkey

%70 womans are fat

solution to obesity vote baath

and you have regime

i have new solution for fats

wallstreet crash

bad economy more expensive foods

expensive foods = hunger

hunger = no fat

oh god

dont look my avatar


let's forget this

please use metric system

miles โŒ

kilometers โœ…

mph โŒ

kmh โœ…

get ze flammenwerfer

if you buy porche 911

you are terrorist

we will make 8/11 more important than 9/11. wait for this

please use windows

apple is free


imac in turkey


1.928,85 dollar

this look iam fascist

why macs are not pc ?

look the price

10.036,83 TL
oh god

i have some things

all chat dont have


this is a super power

look this

in us MM/DD/YYYY

in turkey GG/AA/YYYY

please give me

marxist capitalism



how much is your yearly income ?

4178 usd

but in turkish fucking liras 24000

again few


please kill me

angie also alien

go area 51 weird alien

bad boi

your cat like osame bin laden

why you are gay

no homo

brit red coats better than yankees blue coats and this a fact

bernie sanders actually is a ancap

why i can't upload pic

please leave your cave

usexit better than brexit

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