
Discord ID: 643829798896009247

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Iโ€™m in 4th


Iโ€™m ok

Oh Iโ€™m African American


What no

Why you say that

No and please stop saying slave I

Why do you keep dickens saying that like it funny asshole you Fukien snowball

Fuck u

No tf itโ€™s not

You bitch

Cause you think shit is really funny when itโ€™s really not


And your not black @Dagrad

Prove it

And that still does not mean your black

I said no

Cause itโ€™s not for me

Please stop saying that

Why are yโ€™all so rude

So why are yโ€™all

Because what

Please stop calling me that

32 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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