
Discord ID: 173161296932372481

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-whois @Aorta

john I can't help but notice you're talking mad smack rn

@AllanIsAway we never had a chance lil bro

why ur guys' name blue n shit

stop playing pokemon

isnt muting us defeating the purpose of the server?

Like, on god, we have the freedom of spee

trust us Mihaly we got this

i like woman

im straight


Right back at you Lance ๐Ÿ˜‰

But uh, i like gorl

can I get Head of Operations?

Valeria's brother kinda smart tho

@AllanIsAway I can't wait to incest

Hola como estamos chicos y chicas! Estoy aqui para hablar y comunicar con mis amigos politicales

necesito level 5, alguien puede darme level 5?

Okay Angie

Si estoy pureblood?

no se que significa eso

ay si si

no soy puro sangre

Soy Guatemalteco

No voy a decir sike


Nunca visto un otro guatemalteco

Not funny^

I cant express my political views, im being restricted cuz i cant post pictures



I gotta win the game

Stop dude

pinche cabron

@AllanIsAway es un gran verguenza


Bro ill change, it was jeremie earlier

voy a cambiar



not work


lets go

i cant take this anymore, just give me level 5

ive deserved

!pfp @Aorta


dont do my man Sean like that


Im tryna heat up a tamale in my Environmental class tomorrow


imagine not knowing what a tamale is ๐Ÿคก

Someone give me level 5

Neck Long rompistes el corazon de valeria ๐Ÿ˜ข

send that fat link

someone gimme level 5

Merson gotta chill

Bro dat freedom of speech

Im more of an Orange Cassidy guy

Queremos pastel

Ya queremos pastel

@TacccoMeat can I get a hot server invite so we could join? its getting dry out here

Bro's profile picture really be David Otunga

this channel really be dry

i might die from malnourishment

im winning

Im still not level 5, Iโ€™m bouta go off the yammies rn


level 5


shits off the chain

73 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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