
Discord ID: 417927719662125068

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I would gladly give hours worth of lessons on information security

Hell i am willing to preach CISSP content 247

So just give up on privacy? Ignore eavesdropping?

So you agree that processing information should be made public? Then by all means.. dont let mgmt stop ya

Protest. Let them hear you

All on the same side?

Did you map every single one in this server?

This server is PUBLIC. Anyone can barge in unnoticed. Think about it.

Nope. You should understand why though.

Yes thats true. There are mitigations for that as well though

I think there is more to learn about privacy...

See :) no real problem

Im digging a foxhole to pray in at that time.
Look for a bunker. Dont know about you lol

BOOMs everywhere....

School bus all pimped out with post apocaliptic theme and barbed wires... yeah.. stuff like that

"Just in case"... lol i laughed

I only see that youre looking at the Font..

Does it show in other posts?

Could be false positive on your end.

Try reverse image search

Cancer is a business. Not an illness

How much do we know about NK? In terms of facts

You always get your facts from news?

Nothing to worry about if you didnt click ok

Consider EPIC browser

Vatican is terrified
Another vault is soon to be cracked opened

Radioactive waters
What goes around comes around

Some refuse to expand their thinking

Simon Sinek knows how ask good questions

Simon Sinek already told you you know What and Why.. you can clearly see How.
Why do you care so much about Who?

You seem to contemplate the mechanics of this game

What's the best way to learn anything?

And msm to publish the results ;)

Rainmaker was considered a 0day until it was published

Makes you think how much info has been gathered on deep state while it was a 0day

Think about it this way

Someone found a way to duplicate a certain master key to a range of different locks. And they didnt tell anyone about that achievement.

You can open any lock without anyone ever knowing you had the key

Basically THIS is a new deep state. No matter how you look at it..

Problem is they chose war again.. maybe a different kind but still a war imo.
How farther can you see?

I'd say not far enough then

God gave you choice

Its all about choice

History all over again

Is war a good thing?

There's this war loop. Men with power who wants more power and dominance. How do you fuel this kind of power?

What keeps us in this loop?

Im interested in your opinion

Used in such way to maintain status and power

No. I banish money and greed

Money makes you greedy

Why the deep state then?

What makes you love money? Materialistic stuff

You get more stuff the more money you have

Yes. But it sure does affects those who are uneducated and have less

I always blame money. The concept of money.

I see it differently

You can bypass the need for money. Its 2018. Everything is accessible. Almost all resources.

Theres nothing you cant solve

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