I don't speak baguette

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He is so great, that he even cares more about wall street than his people

Which is really really great

200% respect

Tremendous great

"?" Is what goes around my head all the time when is see that very great president

Neither do I, he totally doesnt care about you so why would we think other wise? I mean, wall street is so happy, so am I


Wise words my friend

Wise words

> I don't think he handled it poorly
I agree. He handled it terrible

Because the only significant thing he has done to stop the spread of the virus was restricting travel, which didnt help because the virus was already in the country and 40k americans still traveled to the US from China. With the travel ban Trump bought some time to prepare for a larger outbreak. Instead he assured people the 15 cases of Corona would go away very soon. And here we are, 61k+ deaths (and probably much more) and they call it a success story

Wonder if they think the Vietnam war was a success story

As I said, travel ban was of no use.
If it would be for Trump and the GOP, only companies would have got money, thanks to the democrats money went to the american people and hospitals. If they would truly help the people they would give everyone 2k each month. How to pay for it? Just repeal the 2t tax cut for the billionaires. Make Facebook and Amazon pay their fair share of taxes.
Because Trump tells the governors to go fuck themselves and not provide them with their needs there is no good coordination between the White House and the states. Instead the states take initiative, coordinate with eachother and buy their own tests.
Speaking about tests, the US is testing a lot, but by far not enough to reopen safely as Trump falsely claims. Just as his lie that the US would test 5m tests a day very soon.
The WHO warned trump on december 31st of 2019 about the Coronavirus. Trump ignored 12 early warnings during his security briefing.
It's not a success story. It would have been a success story if the US death rate would have stopped below the 100k. according to experts the death rate is probably 50% higher, and counting. That's already close to 100k and there is no end in sight yet

America is very bad prepared for such pandemic "just leave everything to the markets" they said. Turns out, the market doesn't care about preparing for such things, the market doesn't care about people and their lives, the market only cares about profit


Lol fox news


Trump was warned by the WHO on December 31st of 2019

Trump ignored 12 early warnings about the virus in his security briefings




My fault

Its not

I can keep telling you that the closure of borders at that time had no use anymore

As soon as the virus is in your nation, it starts spreading

> Yeah but it wasn't, the cases really started to spike in March
That's because at that time the tests started to come up

Starting testing doest mean it is on large scale

> Why would we large scale test if we *know* it's in China only.
Exactly, that's why the virus could spread early

The hoax thing is indeed not true

But that doesnt mean he didnt downplay it

Calming the people and the markets let more people die, as they went out on the streets like normal. Trump know of the virus very early, but he ignored warnings

That is no excuse, if you have little cases doesnt mean it cant spread

And yet they where not isolated

If they where the case would indeed be down to 0 roght now

How many times do I have to tell you the travel ban was useless?

Very nice that it stopped infections from coming outside, but that doesnt mean that the virus cant grow inside your nation. And besides, still 40k americans from China traveled after the ban

This shows why the travel ban had no use

Not trump, not the US as a whole blindly believes that the market is Holy, it is not

The market works for the big companies, for the billionaires, the market isnt there for people like you and me. It's all about big profits, and if some people have ti die for that the millionaires are fine with that

The market didnt solve testing, it was on order of the government

That's simply not true

Idk where you got your propaganda from, but here is real data: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_%28PPP%29_per_capita?wprov=sfla1

And the thing is with the US, you have very large inequality gaps

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