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usually i'm not so much into such ...

but made me wonder and checking it out feels kind of like a bullseye to me,.. maybe i'm just crazy tho ๐Ÿ˜‰

N doesn't stand for New made me wonder ,.. and all this Nazi shit just way too blatant these days imo,.. but...

anyways - was just a thought

well i was just wondering about Q- post -
N doe not stand for New

in regard to new world order ,..

and that deepstate,.. or imo better called - the powers that be - were pushing for war with russia for some time now

didn't work out too well with Donald Trump and you guys ๐Ÿ˜‰ ,... ty!

so now UK is trying to push absurd narrative

regarding russia poisoning someone they could have killed easily on many occasions ,..
in public,..
with rare expensive substance
to be traced back to russia,..
*although stored within UN labs in 15 or 16 countries

well if you still question that,.. goodnight ,..

is no longer bout redpilling ,.. more about saving our souls i'm slowly more and more considering ^^
just like @PitBull68 just said ,.. why can hillary break her wrist in India , if the storm was real ,.. ,.. don't get me wrong,.. just questioning everything ๐Ÿ˜‰

oh - sorry ,.. it's basically gematria,..

i'm not into this fully,.. but was wondering about the difference in this regard between nazi and nato

kind of felt like a bull's eye to me tbh ^^

i do not know about this ordinal,.. whatnot ,.. i just got some basic knowledge of numerology and was curious,.. that was just first site to come up ,..

and basically nazi and nato is same ,.. numerology-wise,.. is all i wanted to point out

so with all the american patriotism ,... plse be aware what happens over here also,.. - its the n - world order,.. not the n american order, what is building the deepstate;)

people her asking me, why i care so much about america,.. - i tell em it is one big story affecting us all right now,..

i'm from austria btw.

it started with a single cell organism,. and so it shall end ๐Ÿ˜‰

is why we all one,.. if we like it or not ๐Ÿ˜„

i sometimes really no like it ,.. just ranted on facebook with roughneck SJW-propaganda poster ,.. need to calm down,.. finding peace ๐Ÿ˜„

i love this guy ,.. he posts shit like fuck ,.. every propaganda he sends forward,.. but the visciously attacking me for spreading "dangerous racist conspiracy theories" - when i joke about obama birth certificate ๐Ÿ˜„

u might like that ^^

i like the idea pushing 5G to be way more dangerous than guns!

had my ranting hour today ^^

hypocrisy makes me sick!

14 k empty shoes - i got to break out in tears! change the world now, while feeding on organic GMO palm oil

,.. i guess i got to quit social media ๐Ÿ˜„

but i already quit phone ! - proud of it!
no need no cell phone in an internet world,.. why?

next is bank account

nobody needs any of this sh...

we are winning with every single little shit they are censoring tbh

it's nothing but an admission of guilt if u ask me ^^

what we remember from childhood about evil NAZis - them burning books,.. no?

you did read that i commented on this and not posted @Skivvy Waver Wife ;)?

and above ,.. about SARCASM ๐Ÿ˜‰

just posted an "addon" ๐Ÿ˜‰

hehe ,.. he was way more mean, when he shitcommented about a joke post on obama birth certificate ๐Ÿ˜„

i answered,.. nothing in return,..

now i lovecomment his shit ^^

and i really like the dude in person,.. we worked together ,.. he just on wrong track atm ,.. imo %^^

no doubt,. for everyone who had seen latest pressconference about it a year ago it is obvious ^^

it's all a big show ,.. do not praise persons ,.. not even trump !! - praise the ideas and the disruption about it!

or we will just run into the next wall

just because trump triggered it,.. it's not about him ,.. he might be deep state in a sense as well,.. is all about we the people worldwide waking up,.. stop playin their game

trump makes us all smile and his disruptive force is what we needed,.. but with every bomb he drops in places like syria,.. he is a war-criminal, like his predecessors,.. sad but true

george webb had called it out a year ago ^^

isn't Q saying the same ,.. that it's us?

or you!,.. i'm just a spectator ๐Ÿ˜‰

yea - dangerous hailing towars a politician ,.. no matter how cool he seems to be imo

just remember that ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

UK now starts confronting russia over even more absurd BS

and i read trump behind it!???

like he supporting idea ,.. that russia had anything to do with it,.. !? - it's like 100 red flags

or maybe he just acting, as he'd believe in such ,.. let's hope so ,..

behind it wrong term,.. rather supporting BS narrative ,..

if russia was that stupid to kill an agent, who easily could have been killed earlier,.. and more easily could have been arcansided or accidentized ,.. with a very rare substance in a public space to give reason for war ,.. i mean c'mon ^^

btw. this same substance to be found in UN labs in 15 or 16 countries ,.. one in england who had 6 major security breaches few years ago,..

well it just must have been putin,.. who else had interest in such nefarious behaviour!?

did you get what i had posted about gematria - nato ,.. nazi?

pretty interesting imo ,. although usually i'm not so much into that,.. but made me wonder ,.. and i googled,.. compared,. crazy imo - esp. after Q said N is not for "new"

but in this regard nato and nazi - means one and the same ,.. i thought it be interesting to keep in mind,.. and not only watching america!

i'm from small place near innsbruck austria btw.
this is not just about US !

make Freedom and personal liberties become great again,.. imo

u mind me smoking,.. ,.. then get the fuck out into your chemtrailed air! ^^

i like dustin for his calm being ,..

we all got to be calm and understanding,.. helpful and caring,.. not give em a single reason to fight us ๐Ÿ˜‰

i'm so stunned about that this is actually happening ,.. - people uniting,.. getting together ,.. fight for freedom ,..

fight for justice fight for the children

fight for the right to party ^^

only the evil fighting against smthng

more hard to be wrong if you fight for something ,..
than being mad against something,..
biblically translation for Satan is adversary ,.. opponent ,.. don't be such ๐Ÿ˜‰

i got to sleep, i guess ^^ -always a pleasure! - one love,.. be kind! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

yea - but they'll want to discredit ,.. so we better be the kindest force the world ever saw ๐Ÿ˜‰

@Sweet Tea i just don't know,.. i'm not reliable ,.. i'm basically just a thought of another idea ๐Ÿ˜‰

i'm afraid, taking a position,.. failing,. not holding up to a predefined position,..

all i can promise is to share my thoughts every now and then,..

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