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I’m saying that we shouldn’t have to be exposed to their violence. I don’t care if they kill each other. I just don’t want to be around that.

Have you ever been to an area like East Cleveland or Baltimore or Chicago

Yeah I don’t wanna be around people who kill each other. How is that unreasonable?

Yeah but at much lower levels lol

My point is that I support segregation

Are you a civic nationalist @Chemar

You are a right-winger that supports blacks

I use to be like that

I use to like MLK and I didn’t use to support segregation

I am Alt Right

I had to go alone in East Cleveland

That was my Redpill

So you think by bringing legal Hispanic immigrants in they are gonna vote republican? No they’re just gonna vote Dem for their welfare

Non-white Legal immigrants will continue to vote Dem

Well dude I still stand by you when it comes to going against liberals @Chemar

And people like AOC

It’s because Democrats help give them welfare

It doesn’t help taxpayer wallets either!

Race card, like SJWs do

Conservatives are becoming more and more left-wing

Recently I saw a post on T_D celebrating gay marriage

Well good on them for that

Will give credit where it’s due

Yeah hence they are becoming more left wing

I mean socially

Isn’t already main stream? With the liberal controlled media bias it just doesn’t SEEM mainstream. Or if you live in an urban area.

That’s only bc corporations and media are forcing them to change. It’s either change or be fired, deplatformed, etc.

But people are fired even when they keep it secret @Grauvenhaltz but I know your point

Like Doxxing

Because who is calling the shots at the corporations and media

Liberals & Jews

Yeah I hate affirmative action

Enlightened Centerism @Grauvenhaltz

are you left or right @Techpriest

I am new here

A few days if that

so what is your favorite leaderw


I believe that every race should have an ethno state

Many sub-races

Well my main thing is that I want whites seperate from blacks

Asians arent so bad

Miscegenation is disgusting

Throwing your heritage down the toilet

No there are a lot more

There are austrailian aboriginals

They are actually asians

Because they came over Alaskan land bridge or boats from Asia

Aussie Aborigines are a different species I believe

They have a 60 IQ

And look very Paleolithic

Same with many Saharan Africans

Are you left or right @Kove

Who are your favorite politicians

Or leaders

IDK anything about economy

Throw em out

How come

Accepting liberals and gays?

How do u mean

Yeah probably

BC those who are abused usually become gays

and its "trendy"

yeah the globo homo agenda

Do you like Richard Spencer @Kove



What is your nationality

You speak good English

Mob rule

Controlled by Jews *

Banking 🤔

Lots of ehmmmm

Yes it is the Jews controlling the banks

Why do you think we give Billions to Israel

Yes US does

Yeah and Texas did have a law making it illegal to criticize Israel

Lots of -bergs and -steins controlling USA media and banks and corporations

Yeah and they're like "Don't fahget tha Shoah goyim!"

"6 Billion goy!"

IDK what that is

I would support Germany / Italy / Spain in WW2

No bc they attacked us

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