
Discord ID: 393325886965022720

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new commander @gitmo today 41 prisoner count-


@PapaPatroit seems from pics almost inside out blast looking at metal, but i am by no means an expert in bombs or planes, but i did work in dealing accessing damages and that damage look weird.

@Patriot JC *post it in memes too*

@Father Mayhemโ€‹ Said: "What was a VP of a Wells Fargo department doing flying Coach!?!"

join main convo live with others here. ๐Ÿ˜‰


2018-04-18 00:05:08 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

```dubs room *HIMTEX HELPDESK* ```

<#431169106893340673> updated ๐Ÿ˜‰

``` If You need help, you can always contact a moderator by right clicking on their name and sending a message. Make sure there is a green dot under their name otherwise it may take longer to get an answer. ```


I haven't heard that since i heard a dail up modem

2018-04-18 04:18:27 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

@trumpette (USA) try looking for new updates

2018-04-18 04:19:03 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

windows updates

2018-04-18 04:19:13 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

could be a driver error

what sort of VP of charity for wells fargo flys coach?

*flat sun im still chuckling*

2018-04-18 04:30:22 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

@trumpette is the vol up on mic?

@116M it's a stones through away

Trumps modus operandi is as follows

1. WIN



Who captured?


Mohammed Haydar Zammar.

2018-04-20 03:00:57 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

you can watch the stream on the forums too

This is how I am every night


dm me some links


no rush

Look how pissed Grassley is in this photo


pwnd= Pounded and owned


odd its opening for some

Are these the Joe Arpio CC Files?

Is the BHO Birth Certificate Issue Real? Some say yes others argue no. These docs are oddities in history regardless imo.


BHO documents/affidavits



DL Archive ๐Ÿ˜‰

Does any body have any




every country has to pay their fair share now

1248 is out



q1253 not showing on aggregates atm.


hmm good ubl research

q post #1253


link to retracted q1253 https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1164771.html#1164847 <---for the non believers <:lolol:430293779472318475>

for deep research you should vpn/tor/vpn-b

@ส™ษชษดแด€ส€ส แด€ษขแด‡ษดแด›๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿฆ‹ - Today at 8:21 AM
Is this suppose to be the chat for the live stream, or is that typically in another place?
If you notice to the right there is @Pamphlet Anon and the other regular hosts you hear on the stream, This discord is intended to function as a bridge between many researchers, news sources, and boards and the all the PSB personalities you know. Right now the focus is on getting the ZOOM software up doing corsi interview etc.., this past week was alot of backend issues from bank accounts to bottlenecks in bandwidth and storage space. The intent and idea is that PSB would have a regular rotation of hosts and visits from here and allow others from yt chat to immediately jump into the research fray with everyone here. As PSB builds out you will see higher traffic here. You're all early adopters. ๐Ÿ˜‰

@KrisHunter I'm not dread level but I'm available for research dm the topic if you like.

Lord Rothschild moved into the stately home in 1938 but the house was later left to decay and it was later demolished after being gutted by a fire in 1961
Most recently Rushbrooke Hall and the surrounding estate has been home of James Rothschild (right) who is engaged to US socialite Nicky Hilton (left)

Baier: Should McCabe be prosecuted? Comey: That's not my role. Baier: It wasn't your role in the Clinton investigation, either.
Baier: Is the reason you didn't push back on the president, who you said made you very uncomfortable, that you just wanted to keep your job? Comey: It's possible.
Comey told Bret Baier that he didn't need to tell Congress that Daniel Richman, the "good friend" to whom he leaked, was a FBI special government employee because "it wasn't relevant."
Comey: I never tried to find out who leaked the briefing of the president-elect. I didn't try to find out who paid for the dossier we used to get a FISA warrant. I never told the president-elect that the source we used for the FISA warrant lied to the FBI.
Comey pretends in Bret Baier interview he still doesn't know if Clinton/DNC funded the Steele dossier, then claims with total certainty that Republicans funded the dossier first, because Free Beacon hired/fired Fusion GPS before Steele was hired. Incredible dishonesty.

I kinda like JV but he can be uhm how to say..dry? slowly delivered? Idk what it is but jesse always seems ...pompous๐Ÿค” to me

Award Liberally


```messes with settings```

yes foil


2018-04-27 19:56:33 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

Paul add me im pac nor west

POST 1286
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/28/18 (Sat) 01:39:07 (ID: 9f1575 ) -- No. 1215294

you love this then


Your never out for someone lol your out to save your self... that seems to be politics in a sentence. lol

It's part of the plan. They did it to Cohn because they're setting up the media: they have been deafeningly silent on the trampling of his attorney-client privilege. Alan Dershowitz made it a point to call out the ACLU, who also said absolutely nothing. It was to neuter them for what happens next:

Raids on cabal attorneys.

new trump tweet
House Intelligence Committee rules that there was NO COLLUSION between the Trump Campaign and Russia. As I have been saying all along, it is all a big Hoax by the Democrats based on payments and lies. There should never have been a Special Councel appointed. Witch Hunt!

wow, I can't even believe I ever felt bad about myself when i read what these people think..

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