
Discord ID: 188864421911724032

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UNMUTE I. eeeee and sugar plz

germnay is the most intellectual person in here

i spelled that wrong



justice for I. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ i was just debating

unmute I.

i was just debating :/

i have no choice ๐Ÿ˜ญ

mr. blue and yar are dating!!!!!!

what's funny jerry

his stupidity makes me laugh

what dud umar do

i dont even know the guy but seriously

i literally said lol in caps and got muted

yeah honestly

literally yar was talking about his sexual tendencies and calling us sluts but we got muted for saying lol in caps

and yeah unmute umar



for what

"only if you smd"

that's not even in the rules mr. blue

wtf mr blue where does it say no alt accs

i hope jerry is being sarcastic

jerry said the bill will be funny if passed so people can freak out

loray is my brother irl

thats not umar

age shouldn't be apart of whether you wanna abort or not

why does age play a factor in this

incest or rape can happen at any age

not really

you can die during labor at any age


yeah i get where youre coming from thebritishgamer

i mean i'm pro choice

but i understand where you're coming from

provs one of the only people that has been talking with common sense

you can't control periods but you can handle ejaculating


Or periods


How is black magic involved

This isn't Harry Potter there's no wizards or witches

It's just health complications

No you don't know because you're a male

Don't start bringing sexism into this as it's been going on for 2 hours

Or the mom was smoking/drinking

No, I don't think magic is involved

I respect your opinion I guess but it should be a women's choice as it's their body

Willy nilly?

How will it bring the natives down

No woman is gonna get pregnant and be like omg let me abort

Everyone has a story and factors on why they want to abort

Not for the sake of it


There's only one circumstance where the parent should keep it

But I'm pro choice

There's plenty of people with the rapid population

Georgie snapped you go sis!!!!!

Mr blue is like an owl

This chat was nothing but shiet no offense

You're the last person to talk about respect

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