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Racisim has been proven to be opinion based, rather than fact driven, I disagree with your statement @Stresbal .

Genetic breeding does.

So if a weak male mates with a weak female, with both with very bad genes (via survival and natural selection wise, so genetic evolution), then yes, genetics play a role.

If your parents choose not to teach you life skills, etc, that dosen't help.


There can be areas, where race might affect it, due to individuals, but there are opportunities in other places.

Blacks enslaved blacks, too, hispanics enslaved hispanics.

don;t be disrespectful pelth, no reason to.

Lol, not exactly.

Breeding does.

As well as teaching

We did, we saw them as an opportunity.

We treated them as if they weren't though.

So did otehr Blacks.

The british had slaves before america did

We are not the first to do it, and we weren't the last.

gypsies were viewed as slaves by the Middle East

Knowledge is shared by mutliple people.

It's called debate.

I do.

I am remaining calm, and willing to debate with you.

You have drifted off from the debate, may we continue?

Race has nothing to do with wealth now, its a matter of where they have grown up, what opportunities they take, etc.

Knowledge is power, wealth runs our smartest individuals, not race.

It's a matter of areas.


You know what some of my black friends have? Private, Public, Homeschooled.

Asian, same.

They run our sports.

What do you mean?

Uhhh.. Africa is umm, different in different areas, some more built than others..

Ooh, yes, please.

I do love graphs and explained evidence.


Kinda skimmed, but yeah

That's their parents job, their parents job is to teach them to survive in society and in their enviornment.

Opportunities exist everywhere, it's not a matter of what's given, but what your willing to seek.

Dumb people don't seek opportunity.

Genetics, science...

I don't know what else to tell you...

History and Science, I am not sure how to interest you in the things that provide evidence and knowledge to us.

Why isn't their fault? Why didn't they try to work out of it?

Oh, so, High IQ genes, is natural selection basically.

Our society also use to be based of success and growth via families, (royal families marrying, etc)

This is tied into genetics.

The ignorance of people, is the success and control of others.

It's mesaured in ability to learn, remember, etc.

The genes that allow us to measure it

But, not in American policy...

Or Government affairs..

That's what a curve is....

Imagine this, there is always someone out there with something worse of like than you.

A hard life, builds great character if you take the opportunity to unitize to grow, or you can let it defeat you and crumble. This doesn't mean you won't crumble, but nor does it mean you will grow.

Society is a pretty broad statement...

Like, are you talking about the entire world? a specific friend group? Lol.

Well, I'm in the East...

Well, Western can be a lot of different things..

Like, US? Gobal Western?

Well, we advance, and become comfortable.

It hasn't been a completely bad thing, but nor a completely a good thing, either. We would need to look deeper to find the pros and cons.

Death. Lol

But transfering it is diffcult

It is funny



Is tje kkk

Its okkk

Who wants somd free guns!? : )


It has the gay

Is that so. . .




















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