
Discord ID: 89956018783555584

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2020-02-16 06:41:37 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat💢]  

fash are cringe

2020-02-16 06:41:48 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat💢]  

put them up against the wall

2020-02-16 06:41:54 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat💢]  

and blow their fuckin brains out

2020-02-16 06:42:14 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat💢]  

i have a more diabolic plot

2020-02-16 06:42:21 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat💢]  

im going to forcefem them and rape them

Isn't this just a far right server pretending to be a politics server

Can't debate people who want you dead

unless debate comes in the form of a 5.66 round of course

Its not easy to debate right wing people, not because their ideas are superior, but because they move the goal posts, appeal to emotion, have views that cannot be debated civilly, etc.

Fascists cannot be debated with words, just sayin.

I take it their policies don't affect your everyday much

we are not equals

I want them to not be fascists, they want my rights taken away, and possibly worse

Fascists when facing me have two choices, stop being fascists, or take the consequence, me I only have one choice, whatever they think.

thats why we are not equal

sure thing 😅


yall actually think you can stop fascism with peace? do you not know the history of the liberal movement in nazi germany? they tried to appeal to the fascists, it didn't work, lots of people died. you know how all that terror ended? when soviet troops and american troops came in to stop it.

we have a military which uses violence

police use violence

it keeps terrorists from getting away with their plans

every politician will use the violence of the state to maintain order

I just want politicians to make fascists not exist

if you don't know what a fascist is you cannot understand why they definitely exist, and are a threat to the safety of everyone.

I don't think that everyone who voted for trump is a fascist, but fascists love trump, and anyone continuing to support him despite the evidence that he is violating human rights violations needs to wake up



a border is violence

because it must be maintained by people with guns

and the violation for crossing illegally results in violence

in a good way

not all violence is bad

did they take your slaves and mansion ert?

poor thing

a lot of people from socialist countries who hate socialism were usually apart of a wealthy family

who were hoarding resources

socialists only discriminate against those who are disenters and those who have wealth

im not even talking about real socialism, im talking about the idea

@luke5135 so i can make the usa socialist

its working in cuba

everyone in cuba has housing, food, internet, public education, and amazing healthcare

they were the first to find a cure for cancer

i will

i plan on it

you're reading lies then luke

go think for yourself

that maybe true ert

if you lived under it

also no, im a poor tranny without a job

how is that a troll?

wanna see my dick and balls?

or how about my venmo history?

good for you ert

we aren't talking about that

idk care if you are attracted to trannies

off topic

the whole point im making is that you are trying to gaslight me

I am trans, and poor, and unemployed

don't erase my existance

I absolutely am

I've studied political science for years

I've read several philosphers and marxists

Just because you don't agree with my opinion doesn't mean im not real or educated

and it was put into practice by several countries

good for you

in what way

why were they forced into lines?

no one deserves to own the earth my friend

don't worry luke, the government can take it at any time

how do you know it was that persons doing, and not imperialism that brang shortages to your country?

its called iminent domain

you wont win

It should have been illegal to demolish black neighborhoods to make room for a highway system but here we are

good for you ertov

good for you luke

that doesn't change anything

your personal experience under capitalism doesn't negate the fact that it doesn't work for 40% of the population

sorry luke that is incorrect

it works good for you, not for me and many millions of people



abolish capitalism

I don't care what you'd die for luke


You have no idea how hard it is to be an "other" in a society


working harder just makes my body break faster, gets my boss richer, and i stay in the same place

I have not personally done that ert

How about we frame the question differently:
why is it that mcdonalds workers make thousands of dollars for mcdonalds, but only get paid .1% of the profits?

how is that fair

mcdonalds didn't do anything but own things

good for you luke

you can work under socialism too

mcdonalds provides a service

there is no place that raising the minimum wage "fucked thigns up"

it has always promoted more business

because more people have money to spend

and business grows

and services are created

this is basic fucking economics

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