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yeah wasn't that a thing in wolfenstein 2 as well? nazis took over america and everything is clean and nice looking

dudes walking around in stylish-ass uniforms getting milkshakes and stuff

clean, peaceful and orderly

literally hell

yeah starship troopers universe is pretty baller

unless you're living in buenos aires

it's never really stated in the movie but isn't the asteroid totally an inside job? like there's no way some bugs on the other side of the galaxy could dunk earth with an asteroid... that would take millions of years and ridiculously precise calculations

i always assumed it was just an excuse to go conquer the planet

i always liked it more because of the ambiguity of it. maybe they did, maybe they didn't. i thought it was pretty insightful hidden commentary on how you never *really know* if your nation's casus belli is legit or not.

but apparently i was just projecting

haven't read the books though, so if it's spelled out there that's fine i guess

err book. is there more than one?

they arent really sequels though, just B movies based on it tbh

not made by the same people or anything

wait is totalbiscuit hated by SJWs now?

yes thats basically the left's mindset

i really want to watch this

but i hate supergirl

i really need to catch up on this whole gamergate thing lol, still haven't really looked into it

oh well, it was fun while it lasted i guess

man i wish HMG would release their damn StG44 replica already

looks so nice

too much heresy

i think i've only seen actual discussions in that channel on a couple of occasions; rest of the time it's anime gifs lol

there's a whole internet full of NSFW content out there george ๐Ÿ˜›

go exploring!

where do you live btw george? i saw you mentioned before you were in europe

with heels on ground

hey look, in BF5 you can play as actual feminazis

good thing i wasn't interested in the game anyway. looks too fast, twitchy and arcadey and has fucking fortnite mechanics building fortifications and shit in a matter of seconds

to each his own. i hate it and its cartoony aesthetic though.

sadly i haven't really enjoyed battlefield since BF3, and i was sort of ambivalent on that one and mainly had fun because i had friends playing with me at the time

i did love BC2 however, even though its not a "real" battlefield game

i did love BC2 however, even though its not a "real" battlefield game

is the server messing up or is my connection bad? seeing a lot of duplicate messages

i'm mostly playing world of warships and stellaris nowadays

although i have a depressingly large backlog of other things i want to play at some point

i think i'm past the point in my life where i enjoy shooters though ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

used to be my main thing

i feel the grumpy curmudgeon rising up within me whenever i see a new shooter come out

yeah i still play a lot of that cause my damn friends wont play anything else

we all hate it though lol

i play it more for social contact than anything else these days. gave up trying to get plat a couple seasons ago

just don't want to put that sort of effort into a game. would rather be a casual

mine only gets going for the wrong reasons though, when i'm pissed off at something that just happened lol

PVP in EVE Online always gave me a rush though. played that game for many years

it's 98% boring shit but the remaining 2% is intense as hell

battling for survival and facing actual permanent loss of your ship and the time you spent earning money for it, buying it, assembling it and flying it out to where you are doing battle

it used to just be subscription based... nowadays it's free to play with lots of asterisks

you can buy in-game currency with real money, and inversely you can buy subscription time with in game currency using the same mechanic

it's actually a really nice system because if you have an efficient means of making money in game you can just get your subscription perks without paying IRL

and if you don't feel like messing with that shit you can just throw dollars at it

free accounts have a limited selection of ships and equipment. it's really more of a "demo mode" although they have expanded the capabilities of the free accounts a lot recently

and eve has always been about strength in numbers anyway.... 20 guys in shitty frigates can kill an elite solo PVPer's billion isk ship if he underestimates them or gets outsmarted and caught by them

the giant battles are for territorial wars that happen between player alliances in null sec space (space not controlled by NPCs)

players pretty much just make their own empires and duke it out with each other over resources, territory, just for the hell of it, etc.

i was more into the smaller scale PVP in lowsec space though. more skill-intensive rather than just bringing a larger blob of dudes

although the coordination required to organize and deploy those giant fleets is ridiculous and more logistically complicated than any of those people do in their IRL jobs

there was another big battle a while before that in Asakai

i actually posted the most popular video on that one

asakai is a good example of a giant fight that happened for no good reason

basically a bunch of different powerblocs were watching this skirmish happen, then some dumbass literally presses the wrong button and jumps in his Titan instead of opening the portal to send his fleet in (usually the Titan just opens the portal and stays behind)

then all hell breaks loose and everyone comes in to try and kill it and start fighting each other

that was "only" about 3000 people though lol

yeah it's very unique in the MMO world

everyone exists on the same server

it's also extremely deep and has a retarded learning curve

the new player experience is better now than it's ever been but it's still daunting

best bet is to find a corp or alliance asap to help you out

you aren't locked to one ship, if you've been playing for a while you will amass quite a few of them

and get skills to operate a greater variety of things

holy shit that strip club is right next to me lmao

i saw the signs driving by that she was gonna be there

me and my buddy were joking about going there, now i'm mad that we didn't

now that's a payload

they also had Hulk Hogan's Midget Championship Wrestling a few months ago there

dunno if hulk hogan was actually there or not

it's a shame the days of naval combat are pretty much over

at least manly lead-slinging combat

one of these days i want to go around the world and look at different countries' museum ships

shame the bismarck, tirpitz, yamato and musashi were all destroyed. would've been hella impressive to be able to see them in person

yeah by the time railguns are tenable they will be able to just fit them on destroyers.

which i still am not sure why the navy is pursuing railguns, earth's curvature puts a hard limit on the range of something with a shallow firing arc like that

aircraft mounted railguns, though...

or, you know, orbital ones

that might actually be a really efficient weapons system, just collect solar energy to power it and fire low-mass inert projectiles through it... easy to get into orbit and rearm, compared to missiles or something

that's fair. still, being limited to within 20-30 miles of the coast kinda sucks

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