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True but he just thought they would work

He didnt envision an apache smoking fools from a mile up

What if aliens teleported?

But thats the point

If we could definitively answer these questions we could hypothesis far more accurately

Hell what if the Gods were just time travellers from our own planet?

Just saying the alien nature of gods isnt strictly celestial in nature

There are more grounded possibilities

That focusing on improving ourselves ethically and technologically can see us become "Gods" rather than just hoping to meet one when we die

Hence why I was saying that there needs to be more focus on Ethics

Religion being down played reduced the promenece of ethics being a serious topic

Ethics based on Viture Ethics, Formalism and the like

For the time travel thing there was a movie that sort of had a decent explaination

It was basically that doing it moved you into a new reality at the desired point in time

So instead of going back in time in your past its a new past

You are a new being in the new past so ruining time as you know it wouldnt hurt you as it isnt your true past

Thats my thoughts on it yes

Unless they were operating under the assumption that changing the past could affect them ๐Ÿคฃ

Untill we can definitively confirm or deny I'll keep an open mind about it.

Like the world being round was impossible or that the earth was the center of the solar system

Its still similar

We are assuming the knowledge we have now is all there is

It will if they change the rules like they have been with order of operation

Apparent constant based on limited knowledge

But doesnt change that I could lose them

Or get prostetics for more

I didnt always have 10 and I wont always have 10

So that is a limited frame of referance

That and the knowledge we have yes

In general yes

Black isnt a shade its a race of people u bigot

Check your privelegde

He is just saying imagine space with no matter

The visual representation would always be similar

But what if it was white?

Not in a universe where the color is inverted

Something about time travel being 100% impossible

Problem is thats an ignorance fallacy

Marik knows whats up

Not specifically

But something we dont have now yes

To be reliable yes

And my point is that you are disconting that even though you could theoretically have said machine and just say fuck it we'll do it live

You dont need to know everything or shit abput grubs

You just need a ballpark and some luck

Simplest explaination is normally correct or something like that

Time travel

But the light doesnt age

Kek I guess

The time dialation always fucked me up when people talk about that

Like how exactly is an astronaut older than someone who is the same age simply because they moved faster

Idk its just that when someone says something is impossible to somethibg we couldnt possibly know for sure it rubs we the wrong way

Sure time travel would be stupid hard but many things were impossible. Impossible is just a current snap shot of our present capabilities.

Sure I have 10 fingers but someone has 12

Its stupid unlikely but it did happen

Alcubierre drive is the mass relay from mass effect?

But the concept is similar

To manipulate mass to overcome that hurdle to FTL travel

In this case by going negative mass

Thinking about negative mass hurts my head

Got to read it

I see what youre talkibg about now though

Idk my point is basically in that article

The whole thing hinges on a theortical type of matter that has negative mass

Even though a scientist mathed the shit out and likely knows way more the casimir he didnt rule it out.

He simple said if the matter doesnt exist it wouldnt be possible.

But Cas discounted such a thing entirely even though we havent explored even 1% of our whole solar system let alon the universe.

Until we explore 100% of the universe we cant know for sure.

That cliff hanger

Sleep now it seems. Night guys.

Needs more Warspite

You can edit your posts you know

Those rules taken straight from that book.

Extra Duty untill midnight? What in the actual fuck?

While it may have sucked for him I couldnt imagine being the staff duty NCO of that shit. We only kept them till 10 and that always seemed like we were pulling dumb shit for them to do.

Only half of the toy soldiers wanted people dead

And I dont remember Pinocchio being too murderous

The police would win that fight. A head but from a helmet is no fucking joke.

If they still think charging is a good idea now they are retards. The ammo capacities of the weapons today make ww2 look like a freaking joke. That is before you take into account that every squad has at least 2 machine guns.

You would probably be more in danger of accidentally starting a fire with your barrels than from a wave of bodies lol

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