Chairman Basic

Discord ID: 378233031246479370

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Fuck sakes

Hello, I was banned from the Lust server for being underage, and I know this sounds stupid, but that was a ploy from my neighbor ex-girlfriend to get me away from stuff like that, and now weโ€™re broken up and I want back in the server. I understand if you donโ€™t let me back in

Yeah I tried that

@pompompiggy he hasnโ€™t responded but thanks

Hey guys

Howโ€™s it going

What uh

What are we talking about?

Oh yeah Iโ€™ve been on this server a couple times

Idk why I keep leaving

I came for the uh Lust server ๐Ÿ˜

But Iโ€™m banned for some reason

No no hereโ€™s the story

Iโ€™m 19

Ok anyway hereโ€™s the story of how I got banned:

Gather around kiddos

So I was with my girlfriend. I had recently joined the Lust server out of curiously


One day, I was on it

My girlfriend walks in

I attempt to get off the app

But I drop my phone

She picks it up

And she finds all these noods

So she decides to take action

Lmao I did not do that

She goes on there

And I think she said something relating to how I was underage

To get me to get banned

Uh yeah

They banned me for it

And we broke up a couple months later

Yeah it is

But Iโ€™m 19

So now Iโ€™m trying to get back on

But Chat Killer is ignoring me ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Thatโ€™s cheating tho


Can I ping him

@TheNobody Hey bro can we talk?

Ah damn heโ€™s on do not disturb

What do I say

I donโ€™t have an Iโ€™d

Am I supposed to get one

Oh fuck


But I got on it without ID before

No idea


Thatโ€™s wack

Well shot

VPN Time <:ainz:538084033410891776>

Oh yeah quick question

How do I use a VPN

Lmao jk jk


Whatโ€™s the average age here

Lmao kiddies

Ok Iโ€™m in it

Wtf do I do now

No Iโ€™m on the vpn stoopid


How tf do I get on the server now

What did the vpn do

VPN ainโ€™t doing jack

Howโ€™s it going

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