
Discord ID: 409719099661352991

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sipping saved me

he tried infiltrating local militia by joining in our FTXs

questioning and never partaking

needless to say he got booted

a "fomer agent" would never continue to recieve intel from the agency unless theyre still part of it. Thats what confirmed me that I was being interoggated

The only time my old unit in NC helped the blues was at Charlotte because we didn't want another Ferguson to happen in the economic center of the south. Watched a dude get vibe checked in the dick with a gas canister

After that we enlisted combat vets like crazy.

And trained in some hardcore guerilla warfare shit

Full send

I'll vomit mine up

I deleted the old ones but I'll take more when I get off work

@Radminits a pistol with a arm brace

Ar pistol that I'm turning into a carbine in a way

I like compact for tight high port maneuvers

The boogiboi at the gun shocp set it up so I don't get a surprise party


Fun fact. The bdu uniform I sport is the same one my dad cooked Panamanians in

Need the forward pistol grip for the rail

Very high speed

Slow down speed racer

And slammed on those brakes

Our nigga @Radmin giving everyone whiplash

Trained with high and low port?

Modern Christianity is very much cherry picked

Basically how you stack up against doorways or entrances

High port; muzzle up in the air going nut to butt
Low port is opposite with muzzle pointed at the ground and going nut to butt

Outstanding @Radmin

@Radmin perfect practice makes perfect. Gotta throw in some bangers or stuns

I will when I liberate them

I'm a bit weary on them because the need for a battery stockpile

@O/K/ie Voluntaryist Kevlar, pressed steel

@O/K/ie Voluntaryist sorta like paper mache for Kevlar. Look at how it's made on YouTube. It's weird. Steel, you'll need a hydraulic press and a mold

Like I said. It's weird

Time to Joan of Arc a whole lotta niggas

Toss em into a pit of coked out gorillas

Pagans did it better

Blood eagle, nailing your guts to a tree and forced to walk around until dead, tie to a tree and used as archery target practice, drawn and quartered etc etc

My favorite was done oddly the French of all people. Buckle the victim to a table, place a hungry rat in the ass with a hot coal and see the asshole shut. The rat will burrow through the victims vitals to get away from the cherry red hot coal

Ill stick with pain. Ripping out finger nails with a pair of rusty pliers while singing some nursery rhymes after inserting strands of bamboo underneath the nails

Pain is immediate. Mental takes a bit longer

Pain can kill

Mental over load and dead via shock

Scratch. I stubbed my pinky toe on a coffee table that hurt more

Use potato peeler on the limbs and salt that shit up to simulate burning alive

Literally and I'm very creative

I wonder if locking a victim in a room full of NFL sized homos doped up on Xanax, several kinds of gas station boner bills, ecstasy and meth with Justin beiber music will work

Exactly. If I told you that we're locking you in the queer box with them....what would you do

Well we can't say who is go to hell for eternal damnation. God is judge, jury and executioner. Love everyone, let them be themselves and if god doesn't like it, then his will be done. We have no right or say in his doings

Even if you were baptized/saved/ whatever. Being saved/baptized is sorta like initiation into the mob. You promise to be part of the crew and never part ways. Christ died for the ability to go to heaven even with us being flawed. Nothing can truly cleanse sin

I'm religious yes. Yet I acknowledge I'm still mortal and to do what any religious book may seem "evil" is part of human nature. My faith runs hand in hand with science

It's normal to hate. It's normal feel envy. It's normal to lust and procreate. It's merely human nature. Yet being a man of the cloth, endowed with the ability of reason is why we should be held accountable on acting upon our natural desires. Hense why rape is bad for example. Yeah it's natural to have sex but reason keeps us from forcing it

God and science is a coexisting thing or was

Naw, for being autistic like me

What made you think aspie?

I'm mildly autistic. Mental break down with extreme aggressive behavior when met with aggro ppl

First dude that kicks in my door gets a free mag dump

Get on my level homie

Went from autistic, got that vax, leveled up to aspie

My homie a Pokemon

Auty is given vax stone, auty is evolving, ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต*evolution music*๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ, auty has evolved into aspie, aspie has learned screech

@Radmin ^^^^ gonna need a revive

One more vax away from being a Naruto runner

*Radmin has feinted*

Someone get nurse Joy to revive @Radmin

Your welcome for I am a generous meme God

@everyone there's my meme dump. There is more but I'd have to go through them all. Which was your favorite taxables

I just hoard and dump memes @Radmin

@Ramrod1992 unrelated deviancy memes for you

I've made a few

Those are the ones I made @Radmin

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