
Discord ID: 294938371854303232

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dont wanna de-rail the convo, just joined and happy to be here

Okay, here goes: whats the MGTOW position on accumulating independent wealth? I've always had the idea that in the West at least, we're all born slaves. The first goal is to buy your own freedom - stop having to sell your labour for a wage

not rich, just free

having USD$1 million means $40k in interest a year. that's the goal

@VenomousHawk86 yeah of course. But Vietnam only takes 10% of your earnings and give you a work visa to live there forever

@VenomousHawk86 Something like that, yeah

Was in a 6 year relationship until last year - every day in that relationship I was getting further away from the financial goal. Can't believe how much progress I've made towards my savings goal since then!

why pay attention to all that? the SJW / leftist brigades don't contribute anything economically, culturally or artistically. Can be safely ignored

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