
Discord ID: 208088659713327115

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a lot of randoms in here...

I am, but i'm proving myself.

speaking clearly is one thing, AGREEING on the vocab?


enter a court, you'll know real quick


here we go

is our purpose to grow? or otherwise?


no mic installed.

installing on phone.

oh wait... I have usb mic that's actually kinda awesome, l;ol

except we're not talking about math as much

autism =/= mercury

why are you even listening

shit sounds terrible to even read

dude, America is too shrouded

we're too pretected from the reality of the REAL WORLD



in th ewest

give them an Eric Dollard book

engineer for their village

I don't have all the answers.

I know that I know, that's it.

Trying to recall where I've first heard that name Frantz Kafka

So I see this book club discussion thing, kool idea

I saw that series while ago... I think the animation was spectactular

the plot? meh

i've gotta check if it's the same one I recall

no, this wasn't it. I was thinking of something else... now I've gotta get you the name.

damn... I don't think I'm going to success with this task. lol

Thanks @Xychotic for the book recomnedation

that CWD thing is crazy man, those animals are lookin' GROSS


get a doll

then life=fulfilled as far as sex concern

dunno how someone can fuck a real women, when they hate em though.

unless just dont wan't sex, but yea to each their own.

the only money you MIGHT need is for the condom... these thots are fuckin' left and right for next to nothing

other than their desire for that good feeling, ofc

food? ramen

cant afford burrito?

good one

or just tell her you fast during *"insert hours"*

fasting is actually damned good practice, even if intermittent btw.

yea, said that alrdy lol

truth is.... that hunger feeling people get is just chemical signaling by stomach in prep to take in food "hunger hormone"

if you've never done it however, those first 48 hours are a BISHH.

take a number.

damn, you're still here @frugalcasper


cuz it's not a real person, amirite?

I wonder if that's woman logic...

expoxy some hair on that thing, then you've got yourself a roller coaster.

@frugalcasper I mentioned you because I only just read your comments on fasting, seems like much of population still on the fence w/ the concept and it's benefits, hormone balance/ GH/test, and just ketosis in general.

ahh, I see..

@frugalcasper yes, hence my reaction, it was several hours ago.

She just gon' lie about it anyway, so why occupy your brain with such nonsense?

@shadowlessnexus I didn't see the "movie popcorn" distinction though...

just sayin'

@frugalcasper not sure who actually cares about this stuff, but there's so much more goin' on it's bonkers... Basically they're curing big pharma (business) diseases with proper fasting protocols.

cancer, herps, all kinds of shit

okay, then go read

NOT the same as intermittent.

for those situations.

when you say keto, are you referring to the diet? or the when the body enters ketosis?

also two different things.

you gotta realize that body is either storing or using energy, the real shit begins once liver glycogen stores are depleted.

typically not going to happen on intermittent fasting protocols

didn't you just do that to your doll?

well it's unspecific, I'll kindly disagree with your belief that it's underrated though.

elaborate a bit then.

bcuz, besides maybe a lil more uric acid in blood profile, I"ve not seen much drawbacks since I've begun nor in literature... yet... but I'lm still embracing the awesome

you're referring to the diet now.

which again, I don't really care for.

But, I do agree with your point, which highlights the discipline problem that many suffer from.

shit, I could almost say ALL suffer from but... I think you get the gist

and also, people have different goals, I'm simply referring to the health benefits.

think of it like this.

Insulinj = inflammation.

= food for bad shit in the body

when insulin is low in body, = no foor for tumors & bad shit = they lose blood, they die over time.

plus the increase in test and GH, I mean, what MAN doesn't want more TEST?




I've not had testing done (personally) curious about vaping some mary, but not yet.

have someone else answer that question for me I guess.

I can't eat until Friday, and likely the afternoon.

I'm almost always fasted

I just eat like a pack of lions on training days, 3-4 days out of the week non consec

they make these keto strip things you piss on

super cheap, I can just check if i'm in ketosis.


how did you know you were in ketosis?

eggs? prolly most complete food on the planet

how is that ever bad? lol

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