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Yep. Drives them nuts

Sometimes educated women find the business plan of making nice noises about men. I don't buy it.

Dr Laura made millions doing that

No and I wouldn't talk about gun ownership if I did. Got my fill of firearms in the army

@Xychotic Mechanized infantry. I fired expert with everything they put in my hands the 203 was a lot of fun on the range. Got my expert infantry badge as well. Never got deployed though. Had a lot of bad experiences in the army. I don't like being around veterans and I don't like shooting anymore.

Something about those chalk rounds was just great

Time for some Johnny Walker Black


5 minutes on broil. Turn it over and do five on the other side. Plane and simple and wonderful

That sounds good

I love a good slow baked soft potato with sour cream and some chopped leeks

I can handle rare but raw seems a little much

Ever had pemmican? Good when camping

@ziyauren That sounds really good

Starting to get hungry

sodoku is a number game

If I drink too much the next day is totally ruined. I'm a light weight and I'm okay with that

Checked the scale today and I'm about 13 pounds heavy so it looks like diet time for me

@AnaksuSoleil Might try it some time

I need to be more active but my joints protest hard

When I'm more active my apatite goes way up and I actually gain pounds if I'm not careful

I don't like stings

Got honey bee, wasp, scorpion, and bumble bee stings as a kid and really don't want to do any of that again

Yea I must be strange

@ziyauren One time I put my little kid hand down on a honey bee and it left it's stinger in my hand. I screamed like hell and my hand swelled up some and it ruined my day

I squished it so yea I guess you could say I put pressure on it

You guys are cracking me up

I didn't know what I was doing as a kid around bees and they made a lasting impression on me so I don't think I'll be clicking that link. Thanks anyway.

Got into some fire ants one time and some other things so I've had enough


Let's go back to talking about good food instead of insect bites and stings

The old hillbilly ladies used to use pressure cookers when they canned their vegetables. I've never used one though

Talks about all the wonderful things he has cooked. Then. No I hate cooking

Sounds like something my dad would do

I have some bad memories of cooking as a kid.
Lot's of strange emotions around food with the crazy women in the house

Sounds reasonable to me

I still hate the things I was forced to do as a child

Also I come from a hoarder house

I hate a mess and I hate cleaning. I'm all messed up

Being made to do something as a kid isn't so bad but being punished along with it can mess up a kid

No Sparky that was the reward. You don't want to know what the punishments were

Want to hear something messed up?

Hell no!

Hillary Clinton is from Park Ridge Illinois. My mother is from Park Ridge Il. Same hood, same school, same theater talked about by both. Hillary acts some of the ways my mother acted. Imagine having Hillary as your mother. Is that not messed up?

Hillary makes my skin crawl in ways I can't describe

I have one cook book and can't make much of what's in it

Talking about cooking and food is good

Okay Sparky. Enjoy

I'm listening to Pale Blue Dot. Wonderful book

What video games do you guys play then?

I play one game at a time and burn out pretty quick

Anybody know if the game Production Line is any good?

Smart people can't bring you above your level but stupid people seem to be able to drag you down to theirs

Lot's of things I wish I'd learned when younger

@ziyauren As a stand alone line that is just hilarious

It's going to be all right

I'm here

Looks like you guys had parents like mine

Want to know what would help people a lot more than UBI?

What the hell was the mouse doing with the broom?

Analyzing mistakes is a very valuable activity

UBI isn't about helping people. There were people who were smart enough to go to college who couldn't afford it so we got federal student loans. The result is stupid people getting degrees because higher education lowered standards to get the newly available money. The price for a college education went up and the value of a degree is now pretty much nothing.

Want to know how to actually help people?

Destroy the businesses that feed off of the poor.

As long as there is a rent trap and payday loans and tote the note car lots and trailer parks and all the other business that make being poor very expensive then we will have millions of poor people.

The nazis had doctors. We still go to doctors.

The nazis had aircraft. We still fly.

I'm just using that as an example of something that the nazis had that we have. It's to show that just because the nazis did something it doesn't necessarily make it evil.

Had a job interview last week.

They said that they would get back to me this week

Just looked at my email and there it is.

Just sitting there with my fate in it.

Well I doubt that it's good news considering the time of day and the looks of it

Thank you for taki... is in the description and that's probably not good

I guess I'm going to have to actually open it.

Here goes

Failed again

I really wanted that job

I'm starting over at 47. This job search crap is a lot different than when I first did it in the 90's.

I'm living off of early withdrawals from my 401K and not having a job is getting ready to define the hell out of me

@LOGICWINS That's what I'm doing now. I can no longer physically do what I have experience in so I have to try something new

Oh well

I was a truck driver.
I had a fall and got hurt as a trucker.
Having that in my work history defines me in peoples minds and I can't get away from it.

When I'm waiting to hear about a job it destroys my motivation to look at other jobs. Now that I know about this one I can go hit some others

I have a list of temporary agencies in town that I will look into tomorrow

I know about internal and external locus of control. I've read a couple of book shelves worth of books. I just need to find a job that I can physically do.

@LOGICWINS Haven't heard of that one

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