
Discord ID: 304002650825949184

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at least with the people I've talked to lol

the ones that aren't are *really* crazy

I mean are they joking or just being assholes

if they're assholes, fuck em

you don't have time to deal with annoying cunts

women get off on people getting pissed over them

I don't want to tell you how you should live and all that noise, but you have to understand that some women just fucking love irking others like I said before

do you think giving them what they want is something you should do?

you do you, but still think about it

or just troll them back and call them a girlie or some shite lmao

be creative

white women are probably scared that you're going to rob them or some dumb shit

they don't want to fuck with "dangerous threats"

but they will if you seem like an easy target

I mean I think it's bothering to him since it in a way invalidates his effort and work

but you seriously just have to get over these punk bitches

"man up" as they say


Shit, this is pretty depressing.

I already gave my two cents, though life is too short to get worked up over like this.

just fuck anybody whose trying to irk you and move on with your life

do your own thing and whatnot

block the npcs

bleep boop

work on those dick pull ups to aim for a 2 foot schlong


man a girl said she didn't like me and that's when I knew I had to go mgtoW!!!!!

girls for the most part like soft bois or prep bois who wear polo and boat shoes

I would post an image, but cant

just google it ya lazy cunt

anime feet or nothin

๐Ÿ‘ฃ ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

the saying is uh

thots have stds


if you a thot, make me tatertots

inb4 hermit is actually a thot himself


no homiesexual haters allowed!


take it in the easy way or the hard way

t h e c h o i c e i s y o u r s


you really cant trust anybody these days





tonight is just filled with heartbreak and emotions

aye another east coaster


he's going to hackerman you so hard


time for the feminazis to lynch you

๐Ÿ‘ง ๐Ÿคฐ

@Five, Seven, and Two yeah she's planning to do one of those hip at birth abortions


@Five, Seven, and Two ahh im sorry for being racist <:kms:480186112900333568>

please dont shame me on mass media



im done for

jesus fuck

im actually going to have to go to bed

@frugalcasper dont say the C word!

replace pimp with simp



i did sure gotem

did any of you hoes added me on steam

just got a friend request

and I have steam on my discord so




actually ill stay up a bit later

its saturday heck it

I mean it's literally a shithole

*why would you do this to yourself*

tits and ass

that's why

fucc pussy

play yakuza instead

burry the furries

mgtow, more like furrytow christ

just tell a furry artist that humans are still animals and bam

is it just me or is it hysterical that some people use terms like alpha and chad unironically


I remember my first hentai either being like some apocalypse one or a tennis one on hentai haven

cant remember


sorry fake mgtowers but I get drunk on gaymer girl pee



what the shit is this

sheckle speak


begone jewish reptile!!! @frugalcasper

the only holy land I know of

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