Discord ID: 687148225886814256
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That doesn't mean I'm not a man
Metaphysically jewish
Can you cast any jewish magic @Avgvstvs
transmute metal into gold
intellectually jewish
Lmao fake kike
Bc you're a dumb american
Dumb americans think that circumcision is good for penile hygiene
That's a dumb american opinion
Americans too dumb to understand that you can just pull the skin back
More useless than my entire penis?
why chop off only a bit of the dicke when you can just lop the whole thing off
then you don't have to worry about penile hygiene
lol dumb american
how much is burger + freedom =
where's the farthest point you can be from a mcdonalds
hint: it's in the pacific ocean
then burger plus freedom equals 2 freedoms minus gun
quik mafs
i have 15 mile dong
shut up amerifat i have small hands
it looks bigger
i am a woman
macaco panico
lol a brazilian nazi
"i'm white"
I like myself
Watch him bully me watch
@Ater Votum Come back and bully me coward
i eat no food every morning i'm omad
crack eggs in a faggotly way
*finnish faggots
What is this pagan-Rome-was-better-business? Byzantium preserved classical culture and rule of law in Europe while the rest of it was destroying itself. The Englightenment, the Islamic Golden Age, the greatness of the Ottoman Empire, and the Russian Empire all were influenced by Byzantium. Without Byzantium, the legacy of Rome would have been extinguished 1000 years prior.
Is science a religion? Cause belief in the conclusions reached by science requires some belief in the fact that the process of reason can lead us to valid conclusions, as opposed to mere faith.
How can you people argue about this when the term "religion" is so vague
Is communism a religion?
What even is a political religion?
Because communism behaves like a religious cult. There are public celebrations, canonical texts, revered historical figures, dogma, a complete explanation of human life and history, etc.
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