
Discord ID: 349884489939550208

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yup, or feels like anyway ig

its how i percieve it as being ig

heads up, if a question is supposed to be rhetorical please lemme know beforehand. i fucking hate being tricked into anwering those, thanks

fuck 'em anyway, let em duke it out between themselves fuck being a pawn

great that you guys sayin great fucking things man, but......fuck waiting to hear back from shit. i really don't give a shrieking catrape bleeding asshonking donkey fuck about the waiting game. just drop me a fuck off asshole in dm's and maybe i'll give a shit

i got a question, with all the SJW's being stupid prolapsed dog cunts all the fuckin time, how come there isn't news much of guys fucking losing it and beating the holy fuck out of them?

....because despite being evil demon bitches they're somehow god's greatest creation and to even think of hitting a poor little innocent woman is absolute blasphemy?

never stopped me before

....the way it is i don't think enduring the constant insane bullshit will seem like the better option

its not always a situation you can walk away and find solace from

foot in a bear trap is one thing, brain in a bear trap is another. i kinda need it.

meh, take what i say with a grain of salt

child still has more room for positive opportunity?

ah play on words

this social media thing reeeeeaaaallly isn't my shit....its taken me a month to very slowly limit myself off it

still progressing on it

its toxic as fuck frugal, its cancer

they should build it of ten layers of brick

.....honestly i don't see anything but a fucking miracle fixing shit....theres always hope ig

the best answer would be some powerful legislation interjecting and making some big fucking good decisions, otherwise its war and further corruption until someone good rises up

true, only a dictator would be powerful enough to suddenly oppose the 50 layers of dogshit system in place

is it just me or does pretty much trying to convey any message to someone else online usually have to be done just perfect?

neither is any other medium with me, frugal. my verbal skills are shit too lol

more like the idiots we struggle to communicate with need the message carved into their damn foreheads

not a bad way to be fucked

send in jackson galaxy to fix all the women....

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