
Discord ID: 429822121363898368

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Good morning humans.

I dare because I just do. But hey AI is getting better all the time so...

Ehh... I got nothing to hide.

I've thought about it and I think I'll keep it.

Na I'm disabled and low income out in the woods.

Professional retard so to speak.

It did until I found an attorney and some doctors. Now it's a piece of cake most of the time.

It just took a long time and a bunch of non-epileptical seizures to get the ball rolling.

I don't think I have any more pictures of my old bird Peetea after my other laptop and mobile device was stolen. I wonder if I can back up my profile image?

Oh well, he was just a cockatiel and they all look the same. Still he had a unique personality.

I think I'll join my Dad out to the range for some practice. See ya'll later.

I don't know if there's a point if it's just "deleted tomorrow".

I actually worry about wanting my dose of media and "poof" it's gone.


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