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The moment dolls become commonplace, women will be pretty much obsolete for a good 30% of the male population

They can't be having that

They are, but 20% is 20%. The other 60 eventually turn to simps when the 30s start to approach

If we manage to pull a good chunk of said simps out of the marriage pool, they we'll see some real damage

Consent is a myth

I'm kind of sad. Straight pride was such a high quality rustle

Sorry but that's fucking rad.

Is it on tv?

Fair enough

Keep us updated until she eventually crashes<:incel:480186125756006400>

Images ain't loading

Cloud machine ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธroke

>suitable woman

Good meme

I'll just leave my shit to my little brother. No need for heirs

My strategy with women was to just shut my mouth

A little conversation trigger every bow and then

Because they don't give a fuck about you

Pretending to be an emotional sponge is a good strat

I worked on HR

So not talking to them wasn't an option

Honestly most career women are an emotional wreck

Very easy to get inside

You risk getting me too'd though


Less than a day after I got the role<:why:480186116222353410>

Never really bothered to pay for an iq test

I reckon I'm smart enough to know I'm stupid. That's good enough for me.


Look at those empty eyes

They can't lie

Wtf I lost my meme underling role

RIP me

That "masculine" man sounds extremely passive


Just got home from work and found out about this Bianca situation

Heavy stuff

Some E-girl got brutally murdered

I would share some links but I lost my role

It's a pretty big story. Shouldn't be hard to find some info

Apparently she friendzoned an incel follower after leading him on

Guy lost it and beheaded her


No amount of degeneracy justifies murder

I'm not saying you did lol

Just my thoughts on the situation

She 100% brought it upon herself

Captalizing on unstable lonely people has it's risks


@ManOWar This stupid culture is the only reason universities are still so powerful


Injustices like these are mostly HR's fault

Sounds kinda dope though. Living in the wilderness

Just you


And your sister


I'm set to land a half decent job in a place very close to uni, but it looks like I'm the only male staff member.

I'm genuinely considering giving up

That's a bit too much<:lolz:480186121897377792>

One of them do

If word reaches my dad he'll have a heart attack

I'll just try my best to be invisible and not make long term plans here

Last time I lasted 18 months but eventually got replaced by an underqualified woman

Hope I manage to at least get a promotion before being inevitably replaced

If I get in lol


>dig her guts out

Cheers Hannibal Lecter

Killing all the elites would create a French revolution like scenario

Nobody wants that

We should kill some of them though

In brutal fashion

Just to send a message

Like some rando offing a Jewish banker or something

For no reason

Just to remind them that there's strength in numbers

I'm awful at those lol

72 women
They would probably start conspiring against you at some point.

Property needs to be worth something though

The Quartering made a video about this. He shows the whole thing there.

It's hard to watch though. She even spits on the poor thing.

Incels are good cannon fodder though

Every time the mainstream media tries to make a hit on mgtow, incels take most of the damage since normies are too dense to make basic research and understand the vast difference between us.

So if anything, I'm glad they're pretty vocal

Any thoughts on Felix selling out mere hours after getting married?


It's not really about his content

I don't much care about it

It more about how he backstabbed the community that gave him his 100 million subs by donating 50k to the kikes at ADL

Details are scarce he simply announced that he would donate 50k to the same group that tried to deplataform him in 2016


They're also responsible for youtube deleting over 17k channels

The anti defamation league

ADL in short

Those are the ones who got deleted

Many more got demonetized and/or removed from recommendation feeds

I strongly believe his now wife played a big part in this decision

To guarantee "muh stability"

She made him bend the knee

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