
Discord ID: 162790368981680128

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So here's something funny I just remembered.

Someone mentioned how home schooling is bad and it breeds republicans.

It's actually right, considering I was home schooled and the internet turned me far-right wing.

Although if there's one thing I hate

I was forced to take an elective to which none I liked, but I picked Psychology, and I hate myself for learning it.

It made me quite self-aware

I can easily pick out who's a weak minded individual and who isn't

To which I like to use that to my advantage, and sometimes I wonder if I should feel bad for letting me use them.

I sometimes wish I didn't know all of this politics, perhaps I would've been a happier person.

Mostly shitty reddit tier

Love doing this kind of stuff to annoy the hell out of players on tf2

then spamming lmaobox

I'd rather stay on Discord.

gLuG gLuG gLuG gLuG gLuG mOrE sOy MiLk! BrInG mE tHe BoTtLe AnD lEaVe It!

Are y'all hearing about what's going on?

Funny enough who mentioned naruto ruined anime for them.

It was the faggots who kept suggesting me to watch shit tier anime.

Attack on Titan

Fairy Tail.

Although, ngl, I did like Bleach anime.

Shame they never continued, but the ending is really shitty.

Fullbring arc and Bount arc is the worst arc.

Reigai arc was very good imo

I didn't know what sex was until I was 16

:^) thanks hentai-heaven!

and I'm 23.

I was too busy not caring and playing runescape.

You know what I find funny about this whole election shit.

I'm Russian, and when we won the 2016 election, we celebrated, one of my neighbors was like looking at my strangely.

then like weeks later something about russian hacking the elections

pretty funny how people tend to joke about me, "Hey, did you hack our election"

It was a meme probably

I would've done the same.

Though really, it's 4chan/8chan who's responsible for hacking and exposing the clintons.

Media wants to claim that what we did was illegal to influence the election

not really

Podesta was stupid enough to open the phishing link.

That's his fault

As for the illegal shit, "h-hey! you cant expose us!! that's illegal" well, we just did and you were doing illegal shit.

therefore not


I still find it hilarious how the first week we found out about PizzaGate, suddenly the media announces that its a hoax.


and this is why I own guns.

Especially when I wanna go pedophile hunting and look for clues, problem is, those fucks have security.

Not that simple, if you were to become a bodyguard, you're also signing a contract that you're meant to keep your mouth shut at all costs.

a disclosure contract*

Funny thing

About Moloch

Since I've got that whole issue of third-eye open and shit

ngl, it's obnoxious

I did some research on Moloch

I found out he's not even a real demon

He's a wannabe

He's one of those low-tier/ranking demons.

Moloch was based on a person who actually did child sacrifices for more power to another diety that I'm not aware of.

and this goes back to like ancient times, and most of the scripts for those are either missing, destroyed or never written down.

I would also assume the Vatican library would have something about it, but since it's not accessible for anyone, and not even the pope himself. I don't know.

I wouldn't do it if I were you.

Probably better left alone.

Lascannons you mean

Hello everyone.

Well guys

Remember how the Clinton foundation sent their human traffickers as "Haitian" helpers after the hurricane or whatever it was?

I'm getting a bad vibe from that already

As much as I don't care about migrant kids being deported

Human trafficking is fucked

And I pretty much don't care.

Living in Ghetto LA for the longest time made me hate some races.

>inb4 mexico gets nuked

have a nog

You're gay

you dont count

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